Thomas x Teresa | Lover's rock

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based on the song: Lover's rock by tv girl

Opening my eyes, I yawned and stretched, attempting to adjust to the light streaming in from the window. I turned over, checking the clock. 8:07 AM, Which meant I had about an hour to get dressed, eat breakfast and head to the medical tent.

Lots of people were still injured from the last city who needed weeks of care. I had started helping out there since I was one of the only few with past medical experience. It was difficult at first, as almost everyone was unsure of me but most of my patients warmed up to me. There were still quite a few people that disliked me and I couldn't lie, it got to my head.

Attempting to roll out of bed, an arm stopped me, pulling me back into bed.

"Bad Thomas. Let go."

"You always get up so early."

"Maybe because I have a job and I need to be on time so people will actually like and respect me?!"

"I know, I know. I'll join you for dinner later?"

"That sounds great."

Thomas and I had been together for only about a week but because of our past connections, even if they were platonic, we were already comfortable with each other.

I pulled off my pajama shirt and pulled on a bra, turning around to clasp it. After turning around I caught Thomas's eyes and his slight smirk, clearly not pointed in the direction of my face.

"Like what you see?"

"Very much."

I scoffed and grabbed one of his sweaters to throw on before heading out the door, ignoring his pleas for me to come back. I gratefully grabbed a muffin and a cup of juice from Frypan who was working in the kitchen. It always seemed to be a passion of his.

Heading to the med tent, I opened the curtain partway before stopping, realizing there were 2 people already in the tent, having an intense conversation. I was planning on leaving until I heard my name mentioned.

"You really think we can trust her!?"

"Yes! We don't even need to be having this conversation."

"Yes, we do. Teresa cannot be trusted."

I couldn't take anymore and walked in as if it was any other day. I started setting up my station, and getting ready for my first patient. I could hear Mary and Vince whisper arguing before Vince got mad and stormed out of the hut.

"Hello, love. How did you sleep?"

"Oh, I slept fine. How about you?"

"I slept wonderfully, thank you for asking. Did you grab something to eat?"

"I did."

I heard her murmur a small "good" before she continued to set up her station, the same as I had. My patients came in as normal with a few random patients who needed help with a small cut or bruise.

My day ended and I headed to dinner, excited to see Thomas.


Thomas spotted me before I could spot him which meant he clinged onto me like a leech.

"Hi, Thomas."

He was making it very difficult to walk as he was practically hanging off of my torso.

"Do your feet hurt?"

"That's a strange question."

"You were on your feet all day, right? I'm assuming they hurt."

"Ehhh they hurt but not bad."

"That's good. Can't relate."

Thomas was still on "lockdown" because he was supposed to be recovering after what happened in the last city. He wasn't even assigned a job yet, as he was deemed "unwell". The little brat is perfectly fine.

I managed to pull Thomas off of me and sit him down while I grabbed us dinner. I placed the plate in front of him and we sat down to eat. Frypan and the other cooks had made rice, chicken and green string beans.

After a few minutes and some light conversation, I noticed that Thomas had not yet touched his beans.


"Yes, dear?"

"Eat your beans."

"That's not very kind, you can't make me."

I sighed at him, knowing the one thing that could pull him out of his stubbornness; "My love, please eat your beans."

"Yes, ma'am."

I watched him quickly shovel his beans into his mouth and attempt to talk to me, failing as his mouth was stuffed full of beans. As we walked back to our little hut, I placed a small kiss on his forehead, somewhat of a reward for eating his greens.

"Are you ready for the bonfire?"

"Yeah, I'm just gonna change first."

We reached the door of our hut, pushing it in so we could enter.

"Whatcha thinkin' about wearing?"

"You never stop asking questions, do you? I'm going to wear a dress."

"The blue one?"

"Yes, that one." I pulled the dress off the hanger and pulled it on, all under Thomas's gaze.

Walking hand in hand, we made it to the bonfire, sitting next to Frypan. Thomas and Frypan talked about whatever, as I sat with my knees tucked to my chest, picking at my nails.

I didn't have anyone else to talk to as no one trusted me yet. I wasn't sure they ever would. I got up and got a drink, then another and then another. I came back and sat down next to Thomas, waiting for the alcohol to kick in. I was sick of people judging me but if I was drunk I wouldn't even notice. After a few minutes, someone started to play music and Thomas stood up, extended his hand, pulling me up.


"Wanna dance?"

"Why not?"

I was conscious about the others watching us, but Thomas just pulled my mind away from it. We began to dance, Thomas's hands on my hips and my hands on his shoulders. We danced before Thomas asked yet another question.

"Can I give you a kiss?" oh

"How many women have you kissed?" Why would I ask that?

"Very few." oh?

"But you just offered me a kiss, why?" Inner Teresa, I'm going to kill you

"It's a very silly reason, I just want to kiss you." Oh?!

"That's a good enough reason for me."

"So that's a yes?" Of course it is

"Yes." eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

He pressed his lips to mine, moving his hands from my waist to the back of my neck, pushing me deeper into the kiss.

He tasted like peaches. I really like peaches, they are one of my favourite fruits. I pulled away, giggling. A burst of joy flushed through me, and I could feel my smile grow and take over my face.

"You're such a pretty boy."

"You're such a pretty girl."

"You can't steal my compliment, that's not fair!"

"You promise you won't ever leave me?"

"I promise, I won't ever leave you."

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