Gally x Lillyan | Confess (request)

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This starts in Gally's POV and ends in the readers/Lillyan's!!

"Dude you have no reason to hate her. I mean what has she ever done to you? She's always been nice and respectful."

"She just gets on my nerves, okay?"

Ben and I were talking about Lillyan, the glades-only girl. Everyone knew I hated her, even if it wasn't the truth. I acted hostile and rude towards her because I had no idea how to share my feelings. She would never like someone like me.

I always tried to cook myself down before talking to her but for some reason, she made me angry, even when I wasn't pretending to be.

I have the hugest crush on her (if I didn't already make that obvious).

"Mate, we need to talk."

I immediately recognized the person from his accent: the only British one, Newt. Me and Newt were friends, not best friends but friends nonetheless.

I set down my tools and sighed. "What's up? I need to get this roof finished by tonight."



I reluctantly sat down, worried that I wouldn't have time to finish the tasks I needed to get done. 

"So uh, I hate to do this to ya, I've heard from lots of the other gladers that you have been very impolite towards Lillyan. And I know that sometimes you get a little bit angry with some people, but I think that you're taking it too far with her." 

"I just don't work well with her. That's it." 

I began to get up to get back to work when Newt pulled me down.

"What's really going on? You know you can tell me anything."

Readers pov: 

I just finished serving supper with Frypan when I noticed that two of the boys hadn't gotten food yet; Newt and Gally. I knew that they both were very busy so I decided to bring them some food. Grabbing two plates, I headed towards the gardens first. Huh, no Newt. 

I then headed over to the builder's hut. I stopped behind a tree when I heard two voices talking by the hut. When I peeked my head around I saw that the boys were none other than Gally and Newt, the two I was looking for. I studied their expressions, Newt looking concerned and Gally looking angry.

"What's really going on? You know you can tell me anything."

"Shuck! I just can't stand her. I mean, her rosy cheeks and her adorable smile, how is any supposed to resist that? Yeah of course I get angry when other boys are all over her, so I get mad, take it out on her and then she gives ME attention. Maybe not the kind I would like, but at least I get some."

"I knew it! You like her!"

"Be quiet, she could hear you!"

"So you DO like her!?"

"Yes, I like her. Love her, even."

"Oh my god, OH MY GOD!"

I  giggled slightly as Newt started to jump up and down while squealing. I could feel my cheeks heat up and I couldn't stop smiling. Gally began to flush slightly too. 

"You have gotta control yourself, Newtie."

"You have got to control yourself! If you ever want a chance with Lillyan then you have got to get your anger under wraps."

"Yea, yea, I'll work on it."

Before either one of them could get another word in I walked in and handed them the plates. They both stopped in their tracks and subtly gave each other a "look". No one asked if I heard anything and I didn't say anything. They ate in silence as I sat down with them. After a little while, Gally excused himself back to work as Newt and I took the dirty dishes back. Newt and I had our normal "How was your day" conversation until we went our separate ways.

I just finished my nightly routine; shower, put on pajamas, brush my hair, brush my teeth. Tonight there was one addition to my routine. Gally. No, I was not going to do him, I just needed to talk to him. (You freaks)

I gently knocked at his door. "Gally?"

"Who is it?"

"It's Lillyan."

"Come in." 

He sounded calm, almost gentle. When I walked in I could tell that he was in his happy place, on his bed with a book and in his fluffy pajamas. His lights were dimmed low and his window was open which was letting in a light breeze.

"Can we talk?"

Gally froze and then set his book down. He seemed nervous but it was masked with a calm expression. 

"Sure, sit down."

He picked and bit at his fingers when I opened my mouth to start talking. 

"I heard you today, with Newt."

"You did, huh? I'm guessing you've come here to shut me down? I knew this was going to happen, guess that's the last time I talk to someone about my feelings." He mumbled the last part to himself, with his head hanged low. 

"You- you said you loved me. What do you think about dating? We could try it out."

"I get it, that's fine."

"Gally, are you listening to me?"

Gally had been out of it for a while, but I think he snapped back when I waved my hand in front of his face.

"You just- yes, please. Yes please. To the dating thing."

"Then it's settled, I'll see you tomorrow, sweetheart."

I walked out the door, shutting it gently. I can't decide if that went the way I expected or if it didn't. At least it went well. 

I headed to bed knowing I was going to be on quite an adventure. 

The next morning I was up at the same time as the keepers, hoping to see a certain someone. I shot Frypan a warm smile as I sat down at one of the chairs at the "island". Gally sat down next to me still in his fuzzy pajamas. Fry slid two plates of pancakes in front of us then Gally looked toward me and quickly looked away, blushing. 

Throughout the next few weeks, Gally and I's relationship flourished. I did my best to talk to him and help him understand his feelings, while he did his best to talk to me about them. We held hands, kissed and even slept in the same bed a few times. It was cheesy but we were incredibly happy. 

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