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Yes unfortunately I am putting them in the same head canon because they have such little screen time and time they are mentioned in the books so I put them together! this is also a different format than normal!

(I will probably do the same for Harriet and Sonya)

also thank you to my wonderful moot for the ideas she gave me for this <3 Cheesecakegodd

• Not talkative, he loves listening to people especially you

• he's not very touchy but he has his moments

• Jeff is a picky eater

• They stop Gally from picking at his nails by giving him bandages and wrap

• black cat vibes


•he can not handle a lot of alcohol

• really likes lemonade

• makes sure to check you for injuries and treats them even if they are teeny tiny

• best friends with Clint and always makes time for you and him


•Clint is definitely like really sarcastic and he's so good at it that most of the time, everybody thinks he's completely dead ass

• he's golden retriever vibes

• pepper.

•Clint isn't a huge fan of PDA but he will do it a little

• LOVES when you play with his hair (his curls are so soft)

• really likes iced tea

• at the end of the day he always asks how you are feeling at the end of every day

• best friends with Jeff and always makes time for you and him

I don't have more right now but i will update later you silly gooses

Maze runner imagines!!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin