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Teresa haters leave!!!! I love her <3

Nicknames: (sweetheart, love, darling)

• Cares about you so much

• always makes sure your healthy
(if your not she does everything she can to make you better)

• loves kids so much (she's so sweet with them)

• def wants to adopt/ have children with you when you guys are older

•she babies you a lot but it's so adorable

• needs you to eat 3 good meals a day or she freaks out (ex. "Food keeps you strong and healthy! Eat please!")

• hugs from behind all the time

• you and Thomas and Teresa are all really good friends (Thomas is dating Newt or Minho so no need to worry about him)

•can't stand the thought of leaving you (in a AU you go with her to work sometimes)

•loves your tits and thighs so much (this is more for the girlies)

• loves braiding/ brushing her fingers through your hair

•insists that you get atleast 8 hours of sleep

•will take off your makeup and do your skincare for you when your hung over/drunk


• sleeps with the windows open and then PILES on the blankets

• only drinks black tea or coffee
(When she gets her hands on coffee she can't stop drinking it so she switched to tea)

•always has a candle or two going

•has a white cat named rosie

•her favourite food is Mac and cheese

•she really likes the colours purple and blue; but not to bright she likes the calmer shades

•such a sucker for a good book

•she does yoga and meditation

• likes long walks and deep talks (I'm dr Seuss)

• her hair is so soft

• she smells like vanilla and a hint of berries

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