Gally | note

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"you don't have to come with us but we are leaving."

In the span of 5 minutes, Gally had been standing with his fellow gladers to standing alone in the Glade, his heart pounding with fear.

He should've just gone with them. 

The Gladers had left to escape the maze that had held them captive for so long. Now, Gally was regretting not going with them. All of a sudden the box alarm began to go off. Why? As the box arrived at the glade, there was nothing but a single note in it. Gally jumped down and picked it up. 

"The maze code is the sequence of the maze's sections." 

Gally had no clue if the gladers already knew this important piece of information but just to be safe, he decided to go into the maze and find the gladers. Of course, Gally had no clue what to expect from the maze but he had to try. For his friends, his family. 

Desperation fueled his every step as he navigated the maze's twists and turns.  As he darted through the corridors, he couldn't help but think about the few friends he had left behind, hoping they would eventually find their way to freedom. I mean he had done all he could, he had asked If they wanted to come and they all refused, just like he had earlier.

Gally was making his way through the maze when all of a sudden a piercing pain shot through his arm. He looked down in horror to see a Griever, one of the menacing mechanical creatures that patrolled the maze, with its stinger embedded in his flesh. With gritted teeth, he yanked the stinger out and tossed it aside, his vision blurring as the venom coursed through his veins.

Struggling to stay on his feet, Gally knew he had to deliver the code to the others. But the pain was overwhelming, and his strength was fading fast. With every ounce of willpower he could muster, he staggered toward the exit of the maze, each step feeling like an eternity.

"We did it were out"

Gally stopped at those words. He now knew that the gladers would never really be free. Everything happened in a blur. All of a sudden he was picking up a gun from one of the dead soldiers and walking over to the group of gladers. He was shaking. Why was he shaking? He couldn't feel his body. He wasn't in control, and then BANG! 

A look of horror passed through the group's faces, including Gally's. Before Gally's eyes rolled back into his head he saw Chuck, the sweetest and youngest boy in the glade fall to the ground. Realization washed over him. He had shot Chuck and Minho had thrown a spear into his chest. He should be dead. Why wasn't he? He deserved it, after all. He had been horrible to everyone in the glade. Although it was never on purpose, he just got so caught up in trying to protect everyone he forgot basic human decency. 

Gally collapsed to the ground, clutching the paper with the maze code. 

Thomas, tears welling up in his eyes, watched as Chuck's breathing grew shallow. Chuck's eyes had rolled up in their sockets, dull white orbs. The opposite of the dark pools in Gally's eyes.  Then, Thomas's gaze fell on the crumpled paper in Gally's hand. He unfolded it and saw the hint to get out of the maze.

The other Gladers gathered around, their expressions full of grief for their two dead friends. Thomas knew Gally was trying to do the right thing by bringing them a helpful hint but that couldn't stop him from hating him for shooting Chuck. 

As Gally's life slipped away, the last thing he heard was y/n, the glades-only girl screaming his name. 

Hope yall enjoyed, this was a bit different then the normal more romantic imagines I do.  thank you so much for 1.2k reads!!!

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