Ben x Gally | Come back

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Thank you to Cheesecakegodd For this idea!

No one knew how to console Ben. It had been weeks since Gally had been stung and banished. Ben continued on with life as usual, running every day, mapping every night. That didn't change the fact that Gally was no longer in the glade. Gally was a giant hole in Ben's heart that nothing could fill.

Ben spent his nights cold and alone without Gally's warm embrace. Ben came back after long days with no one to run to. Ben ate dinner, alone in his room. Ben showered alone, with only a goal to be clean. Clean of the memories him and Gally shared.

Ben trudged through his day, hoping the bonfire for the new greenie would bring some joy. He heard the familiar groan of the box and rushed over, wanting to be one of the first to meet the new greenie. In an attempt to keep his mind busy.

A few of the builders pulled open the doors, revealing the "new" greenie. Gally. His Gally. Looked dazed and confused just like a normal greenie. He was in his normal building outfit, although it was drenched in sweat.

Newt was the first to jump into action, hopping down to pull Gally out of the box.

"W-where am I?"

"We'll explain all of that to you later."

"Who are you?"

"My name's Newt."

Gally swallowed and nodded, scanning the crowd until his eyes landed on Ben's. Gally's eyes were filled with confusion and upset. All Ben wanted was to reach out and hold him, but he knew he couldn't considering the fact Gally wasn't his anymore.

Would Gally end up finding out what had happened before? Or would the gladers let him start his "new" life as a new person?

"Ben, would you show Gally around?"

No. No. No.

"Yeah, sure."

Why did he agree to this?

"So, uh, these are the medjacks," I looked over at Gally who was looking around and nodding. "And this is the kitchen."

"This is Frypan, the keeper of the cooks."

Gally sent him a small smile and nod with a "Nice to meet you."

"Winston, keeper of the slicers. Not for the weak of heart,"

I paused and continued walking as Winston and Gally shook hands.

"And this is Dan. He's, uh, the keeper of the builders."

My chest seized and my tears filled. I couldn't do this. I couldn't be here with him.

"I need to go. Just, uh, stay here and Newt will be here shortly."

My breathing became ragged and my tears finally overflowed, pouring down my face.

I sunk down behind the medjack hut, hoping for a bit of privacy. A twig snapped behind me, jolting me upright. Gally.

"I don't mean to intrude but uh, are you okay?"

"Yea, sorry."

"Would you like a hug?"

Ben was wrong. This wasn't Gally. Gally was mean, arrogant and stubborn. Not kind, quiet or scared.

I got up and grabbed him into the tightest hug I could, knowing it wouldn't happen again.

"I missed you so much. I miss you."

"What are you talking about?"

"You were mine, Gally. I had you all to myself and then you were gone just like that."

"Ben, I don't know what you mean. Are you okay? Should I get someone?"

"You should go. I'm sorry."

I watched him sigh and scamper away, looking for Newt. I regained my composure and helped some of the other gladers set up the bonfire.

A few short hours later I sat down on a log with Minho, listening to him talk about whatever nonsense.

My eyes followed Newt as he guided Gally around the glade, introducing him to the people I didn't get to.

Eventually, just like Gally had done to Thomas, he ended up in the ring fighting against Dan. Dan quickly shoved Gally to the ground, and I could see something snap in his mind. He quickly swung his leg into Dan's and pushed him over.

"You're not doing a very good job at this, mate. I'd like my position back."

Dan got up, raising his eyebrows and realizing old Gally had come back.

"You think you can do better?"

"Oh, I know I can."

"You're on."

Just like every other time Gally fought someone in the ring, Gally won.

His eyes met mine from across the circle, filled with tears. He smirked at me before continuing to converse with the builders. Dan gladly stepped down from the keeper position, returning it to Gally.

Later in the night, when almost everyone was in bed, Gally came up to me.

"Hey, can we talk?"

"I don't know if that's the best idea."

"What? Why not?"

"I can't handle this; I can't handle you."

"Ben, what are you talking about? It's me, same old Gally."

"But it's not. You will never be the same as you used to be."


"I'm sorry, Gally."

"I'm sorry too."

Maze runner imagines!!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang