Harriet x Rosemary | Ankle (request)

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Me and Harriet have been dating for a week now. At first, I was nervous to be with the leader of the glade but now I realize how silly I was being.
Harriet was one of the more busy people in the glade. She was constantly checking in on the other gladers and making sure everything was running smoothly.

We barely saw each other during the day but we occasionally crossed paths and she would ruffle my hair or she would give my hand a quick squeeze before walking off.

I didn't have a specific job I just helped out wherever needed it. Today I spent my day helping Meridith (the keeper of the track hoes) in the gardens. Meredith was pretty quiet and she only talked when she needed to.

"Hey, could you go and grab me some fertilizer?"


The deadheads were full of little hills and uneven ground. I had collected the fertilizer when all of a sudden I tripped and twisted my ankle the wrong way.

I fell to my knees and dropped the bucket. I tried to stand but as soon as I did I got a stinging pain in my ankle.

I pulled myself up and started limping back to the gardens. I place the bucket of fertilizer down in front of Meredith.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I just twisted my ankle. I'll head to the medjacks."

I took my time getting to the medjack hut. I switched between dragging my leg and hopping/limping. Tears started to form In my eyes. It hurt so bad. I tried to stay strong and tough it out until I got to the medjacks.

"Afternoon, Rachel."

Rachel gave me a small nod and pointed to one of the beds. I did my best to hop onto the bed and prop my leg up.

"What'd you do?"

"Twisted my ankle."

Rachel didn't ask me any further questions she just got to work. She gently rolled up my pant leg and she looked just as shocked as I was. My whole ankle was all kinds of blue and purple. It was really swollen. I didn't think I hurt it that bad.

"How is that possible? It doesn't even hurt that bad."

"It's probably the adrenaline. Trust me you'll feel the pain in a few minutes."

She took my shoe and sock off. She started out by icing it to help the swelling go down. Then she applied a cream and wrapped in up. She gave me some pills as she iced it again.

"We will have to ask the box for a brace and until then I want you to rest and keep your weight off your foot."

"Who needs a brace?"

"Uh Rosemary. She sprained her ankle."

"What? When?"

Rachel looked at me as if she was signalling for me to answer then she silently left the room so it was just me and Harriet. She looked upset or concerned, I couldn't really tell.

"Are you okay? What happened? Did someone do this to you? Can I get you anything?"

I started to get up off the cot and head towards the door. I was careful and I made sure I didn't put to much pressure on my ankle.

"I'm fine. Really. Let's just go get some supper."

"You think you can make it there?"

I shot her a smirk and went out the door. I wanted to show her that I didn't need her to baby me, even if I wanted her to. I wanted to be strong and independent like her. I was a quarter of the way there went I face planted in the middle of the glade.


"Come here."

Before I knew what was happening I was scooped into her arms and carried away. Being a leader could make you super strong I guess.

"This is humiliating."

We walked into the dining hall with me still in here arms. Everyone turned to look at us. She carefully set me down on the bench and pushed a plate of food in-front of me.

"There's nothing humiliating about needing help once in a while, love. Now eat up."

We sat at a small table with a few of the other gladers. The glades chef made spicy chicken wings and rice. My favourite. After supper I started hobbling my way to my room when Harriet stopped me.

"Rosie, just come to my room. It's a whole ton closer."

"Are you sure?"

"More then sure."

Maze runner imagines!!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora