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I didn't have any specific gender or pronouns in mind when writing this so feel free to customize that aspect to your preference.

• eats with you every meal so you don't get anxious or nervous, sometimes you guys also go and sit by the gardens or deadheads and eat.

• loves to make pinky promises with you

• goes to you if he's overwhelmed/stressed or just needs to recharge

• he loves helping you out with tasks and he's very clingy

• "Take three deep breaths, love, can you do that for me?"

• pet•names / nicknames (love, honey, sweetheart)

• remembers all the little things about you

• always likes to bring up your interests to hear you talk about them

• you are his world and he makes sure you know your loved

• if/when it rains you guys sit and watch the rain together

(after you helped him overcome his bad memories in the rain, one of my sadder head cannons is when he committed it was raining.)

• he's always worried about you.

• he kisses you on the forehead ALOT.

•at night when he cant sleep he comes to your room and yall talk for a long time (its really cute)


• he's left handed

• he loves all animals so when he's gardening if he finds worms or other animals he gently moves them out of the way

• loves to dance with you at bonfires and loves watching you dance 🤭

• always checks on the other gladers and their mental health

•makes sure everyone eats, especially you

• his favorite food is pb and j sandwiches

•he named any bug he finds in the gardens

•mama newt is so real 😭

•when he drinks to much of gallys drink he gets
Super clingy and giggly

•he has a Venus fly trap named Lizzie (idea from

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