Minho x Thomas | hearing loss

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This is a short blurb I wrote for a friend!

After the initial shock wore off, I didn't know how to react. My hearing was shot. During my time at wicked Teresa did multiple tests and came to the conclusion that I had gone completely deaf in my right ear and partially in my left. Even though I hated Teresa, I could only thank her for the ASL classes she provided for me. It was strange not being able to clearly hear the world around me, but I slowly got used to it. During my 6 months at wicked I managed to learn almost all of the ASL language.

When Thomas came to recuse me, I hadn't even realized he was there until he tapped me on the shoulder.

In the safe haven, there was a few people who could understand ASL so they were the people I communicated with the most. Sometimes, my hands would cramp up from all the signing and I would have to resort to nods or thumbs up. The other gladers needed some time to adjust to the change, just as I had. Just as Thomas would, he blamed himself for my hearing loss, as he "should've just pushed him out the way".

"You all ready for bed, hun?" Thomas said as he came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my torso and placing a kiss on my upper shoulder.


When we first arrived in ten safe haven, everyone said "hmm" so many times, we started keeping count. We managed 116 in a week.

I could felt his warm breath on my neck as he sighed and shifted closer to my left ear, repeating his words so I could hear them clearly.

"Oh, yeah."

Thomas only smiled and climbed into bed, impatiently waiting for me to join him. I pulled off my shirt and climbed in with him. Thomas had a habit of tracing my scars with his fingers, almost as if the scars formed some sort of maze.

Slowly but surely, we drifted to sleep. Nightmares were a recurring theme for the both of us. Thomas usually woke up crying while I woke up screaming. Tonight was unfortunately one of those nights.

I was breathing hard, my heart pounding in my chest. The griever was only a few feet away, I wouldn't be able to outrun it. Then, I was flung to the ceiling, my face and body becoming paralyzed. Just as the griever crawled onto my body, I woke up.

Sweaty, panting and shaking, Thomas was right there next to me.

I was lying on my right side, exposing my left ear to the world so I could hear if I needed to. Of course, he took this as an advantage, whispering calming words into my ear. It calmed me down, and I was grateful to have at least one okay ear.

Maze runner imagines!!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang