Jeff x Frankie | Clean

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This idea was made by me and my lovely moot, I'm just writing it for her.

"Let's just go slow and see how this works out."

"Sounds good."

Jeff and I had started talking in a "more than friend" way and Jamie, my friend was extremely jealous. I guess he had a crush on me since I came up and when I started "talking" with Jeff he was really angry. We went from friends to enemies and he did everything he could to spite me.

One night, Jeff and I were having dinner and Jamie decided to "trip" and spill his soup all over me. Of course, it was boiling and I was so mad. Jeff took me to the medhut and helped me get cleaned up. I had to take off my shirt which meant that he saw me in my bra, so I only had Jamie to thank for that. He gently applied some cream to help with the burn and wrapped a bandage around it. After that, Jamie hated us more but Jeff and I liked each other more.

I was in the kitchen with Frypan, helping him cook breakfast. I was the second-best cook after Frypan, but of course, that didn't stop accidents from happening. We were making pancakes, waffles and bacon. All things that could be drowned in syrup. I began to pour the pancake mix when my hand slipped making me drop the bowl and burn my hand on the pan. I bit down on my lip, making sure I didn't scream. I tried to ignore the pain and continue with making the food. I picked up the bowl, cleaned up the spill, and made a new batch without accidents.

"Hey, are you okay? I saw you drop that bowl, what happened?"

"Oh sorry Fry! I'm fine, the bowl just got a bit heavy and it slipped."


We served out the food to the hungry boys before scrubbing at the dishes. I could barely put any pressure on my hand as I scrubbed because it hurt so bad. I thought about going to the medjacks but decided against it knowing that Jeff would probably be mad at me for not being more careful. I went along with my day as usual, fighting through the pain. I had put on one of my sweaters with a hole for my thumb so it would easily slip over my burn.

After a few days without treatment, it began to turn a greeny-brown with red and irritated skin around it. I did my best to keep it covered up with cloth and other materials I hoped wouldn't irritate it. I was trying to decide whether or not to see the medjacks considering it was now affecting my sleep because it hurt so bad. I made the decision to go see them after work.

I was helping Newt in the gardens when my sleeve got stuck on a thorn, lifting it to reveal my burn. I quickly pulled it back down and looked around making sure no one saw. I thought I was in the clear, but I later found out that Jamie saw and tattled on me. I was in my room after work, freshly showered and changed. Suddenly, Clint barged into my room, grabbed me by my wrist (not the burned one) and pulled me towards the medjacks.

"Jeff's pissed at you."


"You know why. Why would you hide it?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

Clint looked back at me and raised his eyebrows signalling to me that he knew i was talking bullshit. We entered the medjacks and I sat on a cot with my head down. Jeff walked over to me and grabbed my wrist, inspecting it. He stayed silent and grabbed his supplies.

"Why didn't you tell me? Jamie, of all people, was the one to tell me, that's ridiculous!"

"I dunno."

"Do you not trust me?"

"I do! I swear I do."

He let out a sigh and began treating my wound. First, he wiped it with a warm, soapy rag and then he used some alcohol. He wrapped it and secured it with a safety pin. Jeff looked upset and disappointed, so I couldn't help but feel bad. He pulled out a notebook and began to question me.

"Has it been burning at all?"

"A little."

"When did you injure yourself?"

"A few days ago."

"How has your sleep been?"

I didn't answer him and picked at my fingers as I didn't want to make him mad knowing that all of this could've been avoided. If I had just said something about my injury and got it treated, I wouldn't be having trouble sleeping. When I didn't answer I already knew that he knew what would've said.

"I'm okay, I'm not even that tired."

"Go. Sleep. That's not a request."

I knew that arguing with a doctor wouldn't get me anywhere so I didn't even try, I just went to bed.

Sorry this is short, love y'all!

Maze runner imagines!!!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ