Brenda x reader | realize

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This is set in the safe haven <3 (yes the end is based on business proposal) PS: Newt is alive because we need his fruity bum with us

"Let's go fishing!"

Everyone mumbled in agreement as Newt grabbed the supplies. Newt was trying to get Minho and Brenda to finally get along. Ever since the scorch they had been "friends" but they didn't act like it. It only made it a whole lot worse when me and Minho started dating. He broke up with me after a few months which of course upset me but Brenda seemed to be extremely mad and no one could figure out why. We were fake dating because of some complications that had happened but it's not like we were together so I didn't know why she cared. 

"Okay, everyone in the boat."

Brenda held out her hand for me to grab when stepping into the boat. I was the first aboard, in a small swimsuit that had sea stars printed all over it. I was wearing a cardigan for some protection from the wind.

Once we got out to sea Brenda and Minho immediately went at each other. They had decided to make a bet to see who could catch the most fish. 

"YES! I got another!"

Looking over at Minho, he sighed and rolled his eyes. Thomas and Harriet were cheering Minho on while Sonya and Frypan cheered Brenda on. Me, Gally and Newt sat on the side, watching. I began to feel sick and dizzy.

I said it out loud to see if anyone would notice me. "I don't feel so well."

Brenda and the others were busy counting the fish. 

"Take a pill or something." Thank you for that very helpful thought, Gally. 

I decided to take Gally's "advice" and get up to look for a pill. I wasn't sure if there was any on board but I would look.  When I stood up I immediately fell to the ground. Brenda dropped her what she was doing and rushed over to me. She put her hand on my back and helped me back to my feet.

"Let's get you back, right now."

Before I had time to protest the boat was turned around and heading back to shore. Once we were at the shore Brenda picked me up and carried me to the med tent. She laid me down on one of the beds and a few minutes after the doctors tended to me I was asleep. 

I woke up a few hours later to Brenda sitting by my bed, holding my hand. 


"Stop apologizing, why are you always doing that?"

"I feel bad for cutting our boat trip short."

"Wait, y/n. Do you have any idea? I hate wasting my time more than anything but I spent the entire weekend pretending to be your girlfriend, talked to Newt just to figure out what you like and I'm standing here with you instead of building. You don't think there's a reason?"

"What?" I mumbled out, my body filled with shock.

"The truth is I have feelings for you."

"I know it all feels so sudden, I'm still confused myself. I was too busy being jealous of Minho to realize the woman I like was sick and I was acting like an idiot. So stop apologizing I'm the one who should be on her knees right now."

I grabbed her collar and pulled her in for a kiss. Her hands travelled into my hair but I barely noticed because I was focused on her lips. 


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