Alby x Frankie | Spy (request)

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I woke up with a jolt. My head was spinning like crazy. I could barely stand. It seemed I was moving upwards. There were boxes and crates all around me, they were marked with the letters "WICKED". The lights went from red to green and it sounded like a lock clicked. The doors above me opened slowly and I heard lots of voices.

"It's a girl?"


"I call dibs."

"No, Dave."

"Why not?"

"Just no."

A boy who was very clearly taller than me jumped down and gave me a very confused look.

"Why are you here?"

"How should I know?"

The boy, who I later figured out was Gally, shrugged his shoulders and extended his hand to help me up. I gladly took it. His grip was firm as he pulled me up and out of the box. I reminded myself to stay calm and just see how this was going to go.

"What do you suggest we do with her?"

"Let's take her to council Hall and wait for Alby there."

"Sounds good."

The two boys gently placed their hands on my back, guiding me towards the building they called "council hall". I had no idea who Alby was but it sounded like he was some sort of leader.

"So," the British one said, "do you remember anything?"

I shook my head signally that I didn't.

"That's alright. By the way, I'm Newt and this here is Gally."

"Nice to meet you. I don't have a name at the moment."

Gally and Newt let out a small laugh as they stopped to the door of the hall.

"Here we are."

We stepped into the room. I looked around, studying the room and noticed that it looked like it was handmade. The walls were made out of sticks and the benches were made of some kind of concrete. I sat down on one of the benches, crossing my legs and waiting patiently for whoever "Alby" was.

Then, the doors open and a man who was around the same height as Gally walked in. He was writing something down on a clipboard so I took the time to study him. Tall, dark skin, dark eyes, little hair, not a lot of muscles but enough. I'm not gonna lie, he was sexy.

"Ah, Gally, Newt, Frankie, could you go and check if frypans almost done with dinner?"

"How do you know my name?"

He stopped writing and looked up at me. He looked panicked and confused. His eyes darted to Newt and Gally and then back to me.

"You, uh, you told me?" He said it like a question and not a statement, almost like he was searching to see if that was the right answer.

"Whatever. Alby this is Frankie the new greenie and we wanted you to tell us what to do with her."

"Just give her your room and you can stay with Minho."

Focusing his attention back to his papers, he left the door wide open as he hurried out.

I looked to newt and he looked just as suspicious as I was. Gally suggested that we go and get some food. On the way there I questioned Alby's actions.

"How would he know my name?I don't even know my name!"

"I'm not sure. It's weird for sure."

We continued our walk to the kitchens when we crossed Alby who was muttering about something being "wrong". We all decided to shrug it off.

After we got some supper Newt talked to me about my jobs and what I could help with tomorrow.

"I don't think I need help in the gardens so I think you could help out with the laundry if you're okay with that."

"Yeah, sure."

*The next morning*

I had briefly talked to Alby this morning and he was as weird as he was yesterday. I couldn't figure out what was making him act like that. I walked over to the area where the washing machines were and started folding the laundry.

I had gotten through 6 different piles of clothes and I was moving on to Alby's. I began folding his shirts and then his pants. When I picked up the beige pants that he was wearing yesterday, a card fell out. I picked it up and read it aloud.

"Alby, Observer for WICKED, ID number 67927."


I was familiar with one of the words so I went through my mind trying to find where I had seen or heard the word "WICKED" before. Then I got it. The crates in the box had the letters that spelled WICKED on them. Did that mean Alby worked for WICKED?

"Hey, how's the laundry going?"

Newt stopped beside me as he read the card. His face went pale and it seemed as though he wasn't breathing.

"What does this mean?"

"Maybe we should ask Alby?"

"Let's go."

We found Alby and sat him down in the council hall. I stood by the door as Newt sat in front of Alby. Newt slid the card towards Alby.

"Do you know what this is?"

Alby seemed to contemplate his response for a few moments. He put the card in his pocket and clasped his hands together on the table.

"It's mine."

"Why do you have it? What does this mean for us?"

"I was sent by WICKED to be here and make sure everything was going the way it's supposed to. Then Frankie came up and that wasn't the plan. They agreed that she would stay out of this."

I spoke up from the doorway: "so you knew me before all this?"


Alby told us about his past and why he was doing this. He told us that he wasn't like them and he was doing this for a good cause. He had said that he wanted to keep us all safe.

"This was all for you, Frankie."

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