Frypan x reader | Tea

193 4 8

This one is pretty short, its kinda just a blurb xx

This isn't a request but I got the idea from my wonderful moot Cheesecakegod

My day started like any other, a warm muffin and a rough start. I was a runner, one of the best. Every morning was a struggle as I had to wake up at 5:30 am to get ready to run the maze. My running partner is Ben who is pretty quiet but still a great partner. Every day we leave at 6:15 and return at 5:00 just in time to do our maps and shower before supper.

Ben and I stepped into the maze to start our run. We always had a quick breakfast and then ate lunch in the maze therefore no one saw us for most of the day.

I started taking down little notes to help us remember our route as Ben cut the vines. We ran for about 45 minutes before we slowed down to take a break. I sat down on the cold and hard ground before pulling out my water. 

"How'd you sleep?"

"Eh, decent enough. What about you?"

"Could have been better, that's for sure."

"I'm sorry, maybe you need a cuddle buddy. I hear Minho's up for the taking."

Ben gave me a small shove then hid his face in his hands, hiding his embarrassment. I laughed to myself, knowing about Ben's true feelings towards Minho. 

"Let's keep going, lover boy."

"I swear I am going to get you."

"Ok, sure."

We continued our run, taking a break for lunch and we took a short break on the way back. On our way back we started to hear greivers which only pushed us to run faster. My legs were sore and aching, although I knew that they would only hurt more once I sat down and focused on them. 

Ben and I were only a few minutes away from the glade and I could feel my excitement bubbling up. I was waiting to see my best friend, Frypan. As soon as we entered into the glade again I jumped into his arms. After a little while, he let me go and ushered me towards the map hut. 

I got through my maps as quickly as possible, eager to see Fry. Scrubbing my body, I rinsed myself off and humped out of the shower. After putting my clothes on I rushed over to the kitchens.


"Are you done with your maps already?"

"Yes! I wanted to get them done so you could give me that hot gossip ASAP."

"Okay, sit down! I have a lot."

I sat down in my favourite chair as Frypan passed me a hot bowl of macaroni he had made for dinner.

"So, number one, when I gave Gally his dinner today he brushed up against my hand and it was so like electric."

"What?! Did he say anything?"

"No! Moving on, Thomas and Winston got into a fight today, something about Winston not being girly-pop enough."

"oh, how.... interesting."

"Also, apparently Newt and Thomas kissed this morning, but it's not confirmed."

"That is crazy, maybe I should talk to Newt and see if its true."

"YESSSSSSSSSSSS! Let me know what he says!"

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