Thomas x Lillyan | Sparks (request)

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I was missing something. I was missing someone. I was missing a part of me. A part of me that only a special someone could fill, Thomas. We had been friends since we were little. A year or two ago he disappeared and I haven't spoken to him since. The only explanation for his disappearance is that he died. So that's what I let myself believe, I mean there was no point in giving myself false hope.

I had to move on. It was tough in the beginning. I felt betrayed and confused, but I had Brenda to help me through it. I, Brenda and Jorge were like one little family. Ever since Thomas disappeared we had grown closer and me and Brenda were basically sisters.

We were all happy with the lives we had, we made the best of it. Jorge had started a base and would take in people he thought would benefit us. However, that changed as he started taking in almost everyone that came across us. Life was a struggle, and we could only stick together.

Then everything changed. It was a windy night. Me and Brenda had just finished eating dinner and now I was on the couch while Jorge fumbled with the radio.

"Hey Hermana, some of my men have reported seeing some figures coming towards us, do you think you could go check em out? I'm pretty sure they're cranks, if they were anything else we'd have a problem. An interesting one."

Brenda gave a quick nod and headed downstairs. I picked at my nails as I waited for her to come back. Jorge continued muttering to himself about the radio. He was trying to find the right frequency or something. 

Mere minutes later Brenda came back up the stairs with a group of boys and one girl. They looked rugged and worn out. I got off the couch and stood in front of them with Jorge. This gave me a better angle to scan over their faces. They looked human enough. Then I stopped. A wave of shock rolled through my body. 


Oh my god. No way he was real. This is a dream. Maybe my mind was just messing with me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Nope, he's still there. 


He opened his arms and I immediately jumped into his arms. Sparks flew. I could feel my shoulders loosen, and my body became jelly from his touch. 

"Oh god, I thought I lost you."

Tears were rolling down my face in joy. Thomas just squeezed me tighter. Eventually, we had to let go and we did, no matter how much we didn't want to. I retreated to where I was originally standing, and I was now joined by Brenda who gave me a small side hug. 

"Three questions. Where did you come from? Where are you going? And how can I profit?"

Everyone was silent. I caught Brenda's gaze and shot her an "I have no idea how this will go" look. Drifting my eyes over to Thomas I saw that he looked lost. I knew that he knew that he could trust me but I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't trust Jorge. 

Sighing, Jorge poured himself a glass of water. "Don't all answer at once."

Thomas spoke up. "We're headed for the mountains. Looking for the right arm."

We were all very amused by this. Everyone said that the right arm was just a ghost of the past. 

"You're looking for ghosts, you mean. Question number two. Where did you come from?"

"That's our business." Oh shit. So that's how this was going to go. I trusted Thomas but that doesn't mean I trust his friends. 

Me, Brenda and some of Jorge's men held Thomas and his friends down while we scanned them. 

"Looks like your tagged. You came from Wicked, which means you're very valuable."

Jorge's men had taken the group to the hole and tied them up. I decided I would try my hardest to get them out. 

"hey Jorge, do you think that maybe we could just let them go?" 

"What's in it for me?"

"The right arm."

Of course, I had no idea if we would even get to the "right arm" at all but it was worth a shot. 


Just over a year later me and Thomas were finally settled into paradise. Thomas was right, we found the right arm, and we took a lot of losses to get to where we are now but it was all so worth it. We finally found peace. Me and Brenda had found out that we were sisters, through some DNA testing. Me and Thomas started a family. Two beautiful babies, one boy and one girl. Charlie and Diana. The both of us had shared numerous stories from our time apart and the both of us agreed on names to honour those who we lost. 

We shared other stories too. Thomas told me all about how he wasn't dead but he instead got sent into a giant maze. He told me about how he became a runner. He told me about Ben, Chuck, Alby, and Winston. He told me about the promise he made to Chuck and how he never got to fulfill it. I told him about Me, Brenda and Jorge and how we formed our own family. I told him that I thought he was dead. I told him about the time that Me and Brenda ran straight into a crank but the crank just calmly walked past us. Then he reminded me about the time before the maze and the flare where we had gone to get ice cream in the middle of the night but we just ended up getting caught and laughing it off. 

"I remember that. I was taller than you then, and faster."

"Uh-huh, sure."

Suddenly we were interrupted by Charlie and Diana who seemed to have found something down by the river.

"Daddy! Look what we found! What is it?"

"That's a newt, baby."

Hi, so I wanted to talk about one quick thing! Charlie and Diana (Thomas and Lillyan's kids) are named after Chuck and Teresa! Charlie, I got it from Charles Darwin as that is who Chuck is named after! For Diana, I didn't want to name her Teresa so I looked at Teresa's original name: Deedee, from there I did i quick Google search and got these results!

Deedee is a Welsh name typically given to girls that hold a variety of meanings, including "broken-hearted, pleasure," and "divine." Also spelled as Didi or Dede, Deedee may come from the Welsh name Dee, the Irish or Gaelic name Deirdre, or the Latin names Delicia and Diana.

I love both of these names and just wanted to clear up any confusion!

(Charlie is the boy and Diana is the girl!)

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