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•you would be the only glader allowed into the map•hut (he would sneak you in and let you sit with him because the other runners don't give a shit.)

•you calm him down when he feels bad or guilty for not finding a way out.

•remind him to hydrate and take breaks while he runs.

•when he gets back from running he always makes sure you ate something.

•nicknames (baby, sweetheart, sunflower, darling)

•kisses you goodbye before his runs

•he lets you sneak into his hammock/hut to sleep when he's has a long day.

•You guys try to spend as much time as you can together because he's gone during most of the day.

•if he gets off early he keeps you company while you work

•if your a runner sometimes you guys play hide and seek in the maze (or like hide and seek tag)

•big bear hugs and hugs from behind

•your the only one who can touch his hair (and I mean the ONLY one)

•forehead kisses

•does your hair for you whether it's long or not


•he's really insecure but he covers it up

•when hes drunk he dances like a wild man and has to be dragged off to bed while he whines and pouts like a 2 year old

•he really likes meat (not like that, I'm disappointed in all of you.)

•he talks to himself while he runs, which is why he prefers to run alone rather then with someone

(Sometimes he does enjoy company)

•Minho likes to arm/thumb wrestle anyone and everyone

•he knows everyone's secrets (and how to keep them)

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