Frypan x reader | frustrated

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I JUST LOVE FRY SO SO SO MUCH. Be warned this is definitely not my best writing!!!

One sunny afternoon, as the other Gladers went about their daily routines, Frypan noticed something different in Y/N's demeanour. She had a furrowed brow, a distant gaze in her eyes, and a deep frown that had graced her face. Concerned, Frypan decided he'd try and talk to you about it at dinner. You and Fry had a relationship filled with trust, love and care so he could only hope you would feel comfortable enough to talk about your feelings. 

"Sweetheart," he began, setting your plate down, "You seem off today. Everything alright?"

I sighed, looking up at Frypan with frustration and confusion. "I'm fine."

Obviously, Fry didn't buy your response. He cocked his eyebrow at you as he gave you"the look".

I rolled my eyes and sighed. It's not that I didn't want to talk about it, I just didn't know how to describe it to him. "I don't know, I'm just... frustrated. But I can't figure out why. I just feel so overwhelmed."

Everyone knew that life in the Glade was tough, and emotions could run high, but you rarely expressed your feelings without reason. "I'm sorry hun, is there anything I can do for you? I'm always here if you want to talk or just hang out." God, could this man get any more perfect? I couldn't help but crack a small smile.

 "Thank you, I can't tell you how much your offer means to me but I think I'm okay."

Frypan nodded, his eyes searching yours as he pulled you into a hug. "Of course. Now, how about you go take a break from this madness and have a nice warm shower while I make you some of your favourite mac and cheese. okay?" My smile grew wider, and I gave him a small nod. 

"okay, that sounds like a good idea." I blushed as I was still wrapped in his arms.

Even though I didn't want to, I slowly pulled away from fry to go and take my shower. I grabbed my towel, a change of clothes and my favourite fluffy robe. when I got into the bathroom I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed that my cheeks were still bright red. I had been trying to ignore my feelings for Fry but when he was so kind and caring towards me, I couldn't help but want to melt into his arms. As soon as I stepped into the shower, I slowly eased into the start of my relaxation.

After I was done with my shower I changed into my pj's and I made my way over to the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen I took a deep breath in, savouring the delicious smell of frypan's mac and cheese.  

Throughout the rest of the evening, Frypan listened to my thoughts and worries, offering advice and support when needed. It turned out that sharing my feelings with one of my best friends, who I secretly adored, was just what I needed. By the time we finished our mac and cheese, fry went to put our dishes in the sink and I was already missing his presence. 

Frypan looked at me with a hopeful expression as he opened his arms once again. "how ya doing now?"

"a bit better," I said, my voice muffled in Frypan's shirt.

"Yeah? What else can I do to make you a lot better? Would you like a cup of tea, or maybe we could go and get all snuggled up in my bed?" 

You froze. Your face was again, bright red. Was he being serious? Okay, keep calm. Be normal. 

"I would love the second option." Oh klunk. What just came out of my mouth? I didn't just say that.


Maybe I did just say that. Guess I just have to roll with it now. 


If I was being honest with myself, I wasn't that upset with my little accident since it would get me into frypans arms. 

Just then, I was being scooped into bridal position and carried to Fry's room. I snuggled closer into his chest but as soon as I got comfortable I was placed down into frypans, oh-so-soft bed. 

I glanced over my shoulder watching as Fry took off his shoes and changed into his pajamas. Then he lifted up the covers and slid in next to me. 



"I might have to steal your bed."

"Oh yeah? why's that?"

"It's so soft and squishy and big."

Fry let out a small laugh. "you've gotta thank Gally for that, perks of being one of his closest friends. He made sure I got the best sleeping arrangements. And while I won't let you steal my bed, you are welcome to borrow it anytime."

"do you come with that offer or not?"

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