Minho x reader | "here again?"

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You were a medjack.
He was a runner.

Every day after running minho would come in too see you even if it was a itty bitty cut.

When he would show up at the door Clint and Jeff would start historically laughing and run off into the next room.

Today was different.

Minho sat down on one of the beds. As usual

Clint and Jeff quietly walked to the next room. Unusual

Little did I know Clint and Jeff had stopped just behind the wall separating the beds from the door and listened.

"What'd you do this time?" I cheekily asked.

"Nothing, just had something to say."

I couldn't read his face. Normally he was happy. Today he looked happy, nervous, grumpy and excited all at the same time.

"Go on then."

Minho sucked in a deep breath, calming himself from the many emotions he was feeling.

"Y/n I really really really really like you, and not in the friend way. Every time you smile at me my heart flutters and I can't stand living without telling you."

I felt like someone poured warm gooey chocolate all over me.

It was a warm feeling. I got a sudden urge to kiss him. So I did.

I smashed my lips against his and I could feel the smirk on his lips.

Clint and Jeff popped out from behind the wall and loudly screamed "Y/N AND MINHO SITTING IN A TREE K-I-S-S-I-N-G! FIRST COMES LOVE THEN COMES MARRIAGE-"

I looked back to minho and we both ran out of there as fast as we could

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