Alby x reader | Don't walk away

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We don't walk away from each other is the prompt for this one! enjoy!

Please skip if any of the topics in this imagine make you uncomfortable or trigger you!

warning: sensitive topics, self-harm <-- I am writing this part from my own experience, but everyone's experience is different so please be respectful! This is a very sensitive topic and if you need anyone to talk to my DM's are always open and there will be mental help crisis lines at the end of this imagine.

I had been struggling with my mental health for weeks but I tried to convince myself I was being dramatic. Then it all got worse when I decided to cut myself. Once I started I couldn't stop. I was too ashamed to say anything, even to my boyfriend, Alby.

You and Alby both had very busy days and you never had time for each other, but that only made your nights together even better. The two of you always tried to make time for each other no matter how tired you were.

It was about 7:30 pm and everyone was settling down for the night. I had just finished taking a shower and I was in my bed reading a book when Alby, my boyfriend, came in.



He sat down next to me on my bed, peering over my shoulder. His breath was hot on my neck.

"Whatcha reading?"

"Some book Newt gave me."


He grabbed my wrist in an attempt to see the title of the book I was reading but as he did my sleeve rolled down revealing my cuts. I quickly dropped my book and pulled my sleeves back up. I panicked. I knew Alby loved me but I couldn't help but freak out. He wasn't supposed to see them. Oh god, what if this changed things? I decided to just get up and walk away.

Alby gently grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the room.

"Hey, hey! Don't do that. We don't walk away from each other. Sit, please." He said as he patted the spot beside him.

I mumbled out a small "sorry" as I sat down. All of a sudden I was extremely disappointed in myself. Without saying anything Alby opened his arms and I crawled into them. I started shaking as I broke down in tears.

"I'm sorry, please don't be mad. I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry."

Tears were now forming in Alby's eyes. "Oh, sweetheart. You have no reason to be sorry. I'm not mad at all, just breathe."

Alby rubbed my back and whispered sweet nothing's in my ear. After a few minutes, I began to calm down. "Can we talk about it?"


"When did you start doing this?" He asked as he trailed his thumbs over my scars. He was so gentle and calm about everything.

"A few weeks ago."

Alby's expression became disappointed, not at you but at the fact that he wasn't there for you.

"Okay... are you comfortable telling me why you started?"

"I guess it distracted me. I did it once and then I couldn't stop. I focused on the pain and forgot about my problems."

"thank you for telling me."

I gave him a small nod as I re-adjusted and picked up my book again. Alby could tell you were exhausted so he (again) gently took your book and began reading it to you. My eyes began to drift shut and I snuggled closer to Alby. When I was finally asleep Alby leaned over, turned my lamp off, pulled the covers up and wrapped his arms around me. 

Over the next few days, Alby checked on me continuously and I was doing somewhat okay. That was until a few days later.

I was freaking out, a lot. I had my urges again and I was trying to fight them, for me and Alby. I had tears running down my face, I was searching all over the glade for Alby and I still couldn't find him. Newt had told me to look by the homestead and on my way there I ran into Alby.

"hey, hey what's wrong? Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, just wanna be held."

"Okay, Y'wanna be held? Come here then, angel."

Mental health lines:

Kids help phone (text: 686868, call: 1-800-668-6868)

Suicide help hotline: 988

Maze runner imagines!!!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz