Clint x Jessica | Snow (request)

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I was on a beach. It was warm and it smelled like coconuts. My feet were buried in the sand, and I held a pina colada. I sighed and relaxed as I took in the beautiful blue ocean. All of a sudden, there was snow on my beach. Why was there snow on my beach? This is not how I imagined it. My nose tickled as the cold air entered it.

Suddenly I shot up in my bed. I was no longer on the beach but in my hut. I looked around confused as my room was abnormally cold. I slowly got up, put my slippers on and looked out the window. Snow. The glade was covered in white fluffy snow. the trees, huts and ground were all covered in snow, which had never happened before. I was freezing, so I put on my warmest pants and threw on a hoodie, preparing myself for the outdoors. Then I opened my door and rushed out. I made it to the homestead that was much warmer than my little hut.

"Thank the lord i was worried I was going to have to come and rescue you."

Jeff (who was my best friend) pulled me into a hug and I let out a small laugh. I knew he wasn't that concerned about me, but he was concerned about Alby because he had been freaking out as someone could've "froze to death".

"You should've seen him this morning, god he was PANICKING and I mean panicking, he was pacing and talking to himself, it was like he was going crazy."

"Where did this snow come from anyway? It barely rains, let alone snows."

"I have no clue. Maybe Thomas knows something about it. Anyways have some breakfast and then you should go see Clint."

"Mmm, good idea."

I grabbed myself a plate and filled it up with my favourite breakfast foods, making sure to grab LOTS of bacon so I could sneak some to bark, the glades dog. I ate as quickly as possible before heading to the medhut where I hoped to see my boyfriend, Clint.

I walked into the medhut and looked around. Huh, no Clint. However, I did hear some rummaging coming from the back corner so I decided to go and check what was going on. Sure enough, it was clint going through the cupboards.

"whatcha looking for?"

He seemed so quiet and peaceful but I was incredibly curious as to what he was doing so I had to ask. Clint jumped at the sound of my voice.

"Oh, hey sugar. I'm just looking for some extra blankets."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

He let out a laugh and told me not to worry about it. I got down and began to look through the other cupboards, finding a few blankets. I handed them to Clint who stacked them with the others.

"I've gotta go and get these to Alby, wanna come?"

I eagerly nodded and grabbed one of the stacks. We searched around and found Alby. After we delivered the blankets Alby distributed them evenly.

Me and Clint were hanging out in the med hut because that's where the heaters were when Alby came in.

"Do we have any more blankets?"

"Uh no, the ones we gave are the only ones we have."


"Why, what's wrong?"

"We have a few more gladers that need blankets."

I looked at Clint and he gave me a gentle nod.

"You can take ours."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, we'll manage."

Alby gave us a small thanks and then went to collect the blankets. I rubbed my shoulders and got closer to the heater. God, it was cold. I started to shiver and he seemed to notice.

Clint slid off the cot he was sitting on and sat down behind me, wrapping me in his warmth. we were now both on the floor sitting a few feet away from the heater. He took the sides of his sweater and wrapped them around me as I leaned into him. He was so warm.

As much as I was enjoying our position I decided to flip around so I was kinda hugging him. he re-adjusted so that once again his sweater was wrapped around me too. it got 100 times better when he wrapped his arms around me too. 

Eventually, I dozed off in his arms; I can faintly remember him stroking my hair and gently rocking me back and forth. When I woke up and clint was still on the floor but we had a blanket draped across us. I guess Alby found a few more. 


"what's up, sugar?"

"Can we go play in the snow?"

"Play in the snow? Are you insane?"

I gave him my best puppy dog eyes and dragged him out the door with me. he sighed and stood watching me as I gathered up some snow with my bare hands. I chucked the snowball at him and quickly started making another. 

"Oh! You're on!"

Safe to say that the day ended in us being freezing again but it was all worth it. 

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