Winston x reader | Goodbye

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UH OH! This is in Winston's POV (switches to Isa's but youll see when.) and I'm sorry in advance. Listen to: rises the Moon, by Liana Flores while reading this. 

Also, I gave y/n a name because I'm not a fan of y/n so your new name is Isa!! (ee-sah)

Keep in mind while reading: in the glade during the day it was just bright and during the night it was pitch black, no sun or stars. 

We had been walking for what felt like years. There was no water in sight, only dry and dusty ground. Thomas and Minho took the lead while the rest of us trailed behind. I walked beside my love, Isa. We had been together since the glade when she was one of the only ones who realized most of my job was taking care of the animals and only about 10% was killing them. After that, we became close friends and then that blossomed into something more. We had been glued to each other's sides ever since then. I swore that I would protect her no matter the cost.

We eventually stumbled across a barren town with some torn-down buildings. Minho had suggested that we enter a few and see if there were any valuable supplies. We entered an old mall, filled with sand from all the storms. Everyone split into groups of 2 or 3 and we gathered as many supplies as we could.

Isa, Newt, Teresa, Frypan and I stayed in the main area while Thomas and Minho went exploring elsewhere.

We found some old backpacks and tried to stuff as many things as we could fit in them. There was some old water and a few things of canned food. I grabbed them not knowing if they were expired or not. I really couldn't worry about getting sick, I could only worry about Isa.

Suddenly, screams came from the end of the hall with Thomas and Minho running as fast as they could away from some sort of monster. They looked like humans except they were dirty and mutated. The creatures were either running, walking or limping towards our group. We all began to run except for Isa who stood there in shock. I grabbed her arm, pulling her along with me.

I was never the strongest in the glade but I still had some muscle on me. My legs began to ache, not used to this type of exercise. We all ran as fast as we could until we reached a narrow hallway, which meant we had to stay single file. I made sure Isa was in the middle of the line while I was a few people behind her.

We stopped at a door at the end of the hallway that was locked. Minho pulled the handle, quickly realizing there was a chain holding it shut. I grabbed the gun from Thomas's pack and began to shoot at the monsters as the rest of the group struggled to open the door.

The monsters began to get closer as I quickly ran out of bullets. I threw the gun at the creatures and tried to run towards the now-open door. One of them grabbed onto my shirt, pulling me back into the group of slimy hands. I attempted to ground my feet and push myself back towards the group. 

"You got this, Winnie!"

"Can't we go and grab him?"

"You wanna get eaten too, shuckface?!"

"He'll make it."

Finally managing to break through the grabbing hands, I pushed myself as fast as I could towards Isa, the only one standing there waiting. The others had left one by one, convinced I didn't stand a chance. I had happened to notice Frypan was the last one besides Isa which allowed my face to display a small grin. 

Once we got out of the abandoned mall I immediately felt the cool air brush against my exposed skin. My shirt had been torn from the sharp nails on those demented beings. We settled down against a large rock, attempting to catch some sleep. Isa grabbed onto my hand and rested her head on my shoulder, while she whispered about how glad she was that I was okay. 

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