Frypan x Gally | reunite

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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Frypan x Gally death cure?  Sign me up! (Yes this is romantic, if you don't like it you can leave.)

This is in Fry's POV :)    

We had been "touring" the city, looking for a possible entrance into Wicked. My friends and I were among the city's non-immunes, also known as the people who were kept outside of the walls. They were rugged and dirty which made my heart yearn for them as I knew what it was like to struggle. I hoped that they had at least one person that brought them joy, like I had. Gally was one of my main sources of happiness, other than cooking of course. After leaving the glade the two things that brought me joy had left my life. 

"Let's keep going forward, Hermano's."

I followed Jorge's suggestion and weaved my way through the crowds of people. A few of my friends behind me started to push me forward, ushering me to go faster. As I rushed past the people I quickly scanned their faces, stopping when I saw a tall man with what seemed to be some kind of gas mask. He sparked something inside me, something almost like De ja vu. The man, whoever he was, seemed oddly familiar. I shook my head to rid the thoughts and kept walking. 

Then guns went off, they were stationed at the tops of the walls and shooting at us. I scrambled to keep up with my group as everyone was in a panic. Suddenly, both my arms were grabbed and put behind me as I was shoved into a van. Some of my other friends were there with me and the rest I assumed were in a different vehicle. 

There were about three guards in the back with us and two up front. Brenda, Newt and Thomas were in the van with me. Newt placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me a comforting squeeze, reassuring me that it would be okay. These people were either with Wicked or the complete opposite. I was praying for the latter. 

The ride seemed to last about 30 minutes and I was ready to jump out to see what the deal was with these people. Eventually, we stopped and the guards got up and unlocked the doors. They jumped out and we followed. I could hear Jorge yelling in the back, something about Brenda. 

"Where is she?! Did you hurt her? I swear to god I will kill you all!"

Brenda rushed over to his side and put a hand on his back, calming him. 

"Hey, it's okay. I'm right here."

"Did they hurt you?"

"No, I'm fine."

Jorge let out a sigh of relief while straightening himself out by brushing his fingers through his hair and wiping off his clothes. We all gathered in a sort of semi-circle as we stood in front of the guards. Thomas was clearly the most wary, fidgeting with his fingers and tapping his foot.

"Everybody relax, we are all on the same side here."

Convincing? I think not. Thomas pushed one of the men off him and stalked towards the person who had said that.

"What do you mean same side? Who the hell are you?"

The man seemed to pause for a second, probably contemplating his next move. To tell or to not tell, that was the question. These people were extremely confusing. They told us we were on the same side when I didn't even know what side that was. 

After a sigh, the man took off his helmet and looked over at me. Gally. His gaze flicked back towards Thomas and he pursed his lips together. 

"Hey, greenie."

Thomas was just as shocked as the rest of us. I gave Newt a worried look, knowing what would happen next. After Chuck, it just made sense for Thomas to be angry, even though it wasn't Gally's fault. 

"Gally?" Thomas mumbled out his words as he was trying to process the whole situation.

Then Thomas punched Gally and pounced on him, knocking him to the ground. Me and my other friends rushed to pull him off of Gally in fear that Thomas would take it too far. Newt managed to calm Thomas down, reminding him to breathe. 

Gally got up and grabbed at his jaw, clearly in pain.

"Kinda had that coming. Does anybody else want a go? Fry? Newt?"

I froze and looked him dead in the eye. We all know that it wasn't Gally's fault, and I understand why Thomas would punch him but I couldn't. He looked right back at me and opened his arms. I ran towards him, practically jumping into his arms. His men slowly backed away from us and the others did too. I could feel tears springing in my eyes. 

"How is this possible? This normally only happens in my dreams."

"You aren't dreaming this time, I'm here, I promise this is real."

"Thank god."

I let myself melt into his arms as silent tears began to pour out of my eyes. I slowly pried myself out of his arms, no matter how much I didn't want to. I followed Gally to a small room where my friends were waiting. Gally didn't wait to get to questioning us.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Minho. Wicked has him here. We're looking for a way in."

"I can help with that."

I gave Newt a small nod insinuating that we should trust him. I knew that Newt wasn't the problem but Thomas was. Without Thomas's trust, we wouldn't get anywhere. 

"Follow me." 

I started to move when Thomas stopped me. "We're not going anywhere with you."

Gally shrugged, seemingly unbothered. "Suit yourself, but I can get you through those walls."

We all silently agreed that Gally was our only option. He gestured for us to follow him and we did. 

"After the maze, I got picked up by a group headed to the city. They realized I was immune, patched me up and they brought me here. This group's been at war with Wicked ever since they took control of the city. But Wicked can't hide behind those walls forever. Day's gonna come, and they're gonna pay for what they've done."

"Who runs this place?"

"Lawrence is some kind of leader around here, I guess. I'll take you to see him tomorrow, for now, these are your rooms. Newt and Thomas, here's yours. Brenda and Jorge, you can take this one. Fry, do you mind staying with me? We don't have enough rooms right now."

"Yeah, that's no problem."

I could already feel my cheeks heat up and a smile grow on my face. Everyone got settled into their rooms and I got settled into "mine". As soon as the door was closed Gally pulled me into his arms and gently rubbed my back. After a few minutes, we let go and he took off his shirt as I did the same. I slid into bed with him and rested my head on his chest.

"I can't tell you how grateful I am that you are okay."

"Same to you. I would've killed Thomas if you ever got hurt or killed."

I let out a small laugh and nuzzled my head further into his chest. His arm was draped across my waist and my arms were wrapped around his torso. 

"Why don't you tell me what's been going on since you left the glade?"

"Mkay, so after we escaped these people in helicopters came and they rescued us but we found out that they were Wicked so we escaped. Then we lost Winston and we struggled a lot in the scorch. After a week or two in the scorch we ran into Brenda and Jorge and we also escaped Wicked once more. Then we met Sonya, Harriet and a few others from the right arm and then Teresa betrayed us and Minho got taken, and now we're here."

"There has got to be more than that!"

"That's just the basics, I'll tell you tomorrow. I just wanna cuddle and go to sleep right now."

"Whatever you say, baby."

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