Clint x Jessica | Birthday (request)

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Yes another clint one

Today was my birthday. Not many people in the glade could remember their birthday so some of them just guessed, but I knew mine for sure. March 10th, Although I wasn't sure of the exact year. Based on everyone in the glade I always assumed I was around 16 or 17. This was my first birthday in the glade and I was excited to be sharing it with my boyfriend, Clint. We didn't have any special plans but I knew we would still find something fun to do.

I let out a large yawn as I started to get out of bed. I decided that I would braid my hair. I put on my favourite pair of jeans and a nice baggy T-shirt. I slid my rings onto my fingers and pulled on my runners. I stepped out of my room and walked down the keeper's hallway to Clint's room. I gave the door a slight knock before I pushed it open, letting Clint know that I was there and entering.

"Happy birthday, baby!"

"Thank you!"

"Why are you up so early? You know you have the day off today!"

"I wanted to see you."

"Well then, come here!"

I climbed into bed beside him and snuggled into him.

"When do you have to go to work?"

"In about," He paused and looked over at the clock, "15 minutes, but I'm already dressed so don't worry about that."

I let out a small hum as he wrapped his arm around my waist to pull me closer. He was reading a book that I guessed Newt had lent to him and I peeked over the side of the book to read the title which was "moby dick". Wasn't that a book about a whale?

We laid together until it was time for Clint to go to work and when he did I got up and followed him. He started to set up for the day and I sat on one of the cots just watching him work. As long as I could spend my special day with him, nothing mattered. 

Throughout the morning multiple boys came in looking to get medical attention whether it was for a tiny cut or a sprained wrist. I played with my fingers and swung my legs back and forth as I waited for lunch.

"Sweets, you ready for lunch?"


Clint and I walked towards the kitchen when we stopped. The whole kitchen was empty, no Frypan or any of the other cooks. Clint let go of my waist and stepped to the side. I looked over at him with a confused look when all of a sudden my closest friends popped out from behind the island with a cake. 

Even though I was grateful, I couldn't help but pray that they wouldn't sing to me. 

"Don't worry Jess, we won't sing for you."

Thank the lord. 

I looked over at Clint again to see him standing with his arms crossed and a smile on his face. I turned my attention to my friends who were ushering me to sit down and have some cake, so i did. God, this cake is good. Frypan had made me a chocolate cake with piped strawberries on the top. Clint then joined us and had some cake too.

"Damn Fry, this is delicious!"

We all hung out for a while and had some real food until it was time to continue on with our work. Clint and I went to the medhut with me in front and Clint behind. I was talking about what we could do after he was done work when I stopped. 

"Yeah, so we could go for a swim or-" I paused, "Are you even listening to me?"

I turned around to see Clint on one knee holding out a velvety box. He slowly opened the lid to reveal a gorgeous necklace that seemed to be homemade. It had a silver chain with a crystal attached, one I had seen when walking in the dead-heads. 

"Oh my gosh! Thank you! How did you get this?"

"I made it for you."

"When did you find time for that?"

"Ehh during my breaks and in the morning. Gally helped me a lot though."

"Thank you, thank you!"

I gave him a huge hug then I turned around and lifted up my hair so he could put it on. The cold metal made me jump as he placed it on my neck. I could hear the necklace clasp around me so I put my hair down.

"Happy birthday, baby!"

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