Minho x reader | rumour

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you and minho had never been friends. you knew eachother and ocassionly said hi to ecah other but thats about it. the gladers had no drama in there life so they were bored asf. There was currently a rumour going around in the glade. newt had mentioned something about it but didnt tell you what it was about. so obviously you went and asked someonoe else.

"hey fry! you deal with a lot of people everyday and i was wondering if you knew what it was about?"

he side-eyed me and then quickly looked back to his vegtables.

"well some people have been saying.. you and minho are doing things."

"what kind of things?"

 It was about you and minho. you had a right to know what people thought you guys were doing.

"well lets just say sexual things."

 Every one thought you too were together and "doing sexual things" with each other.

"thanks, bye fry."

as you walked out of the kitchen someone pinned you against the wall.

it was minho.

"theres a rumour going round' bout me and you. what do you say we make it true?"

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