Chapter 436

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As Avery called she kept glancing at the door hoping that creature wouldn't come back, whoever was in that mascot suit wasn't a fan of Elliot, and it made her worried, she glanced at him as he seemed to be in a great deal of pain, but he still worked on getting himself up. Avery was about to answer as she heard a voice but Elliot took her phone and smashed it. "Sir?" she asked a bit shocked but the CEO was silent. "I apologize but the ambulance won't be necessary" he spoke in a low voice, Avery could tell he was in pain, but he was a man on a mission so she just watched him go over to his desk, he sat down and nodded his head towards a vent. Avery was shocked to see a large claw come from the vent, it looked mechanical too, she was impressed. "Did you create this?" she asked and the CEO chuckled "yes, I created all the mascots here" he spoke but Avery was confused "if I may ask... the Kissy Missy was my idea" she said looking at Elliot, the man shrugged his shoulders "you signed her name to me, I own her" he smirks as Avery was shocked, she realized she shouldn't have done that. "So, as you know the Kissy Missy is just a prototype for a bigger project we are working on here in Play Co." the CEO kept looking at Avery and it made her skin claw. "Well... I want to know what that thing was back there firstly-" the CEO stopped her "Avery listen, that was just a Dogday prototype they're all harmless" he said this with a straight face but Avery could tell his voice did have a bit of a warning tone, she had to be careful with what she said next. "So, this claw..." as she motioned to the large claw on the back of the CEO's chair "why did you create this?" as she asked this the CEO smirked "he was going to be a big project for us... but, things happened" as he said this Avery took notice of how the CEO and the claw seemed to work as one. The CEO was smirking at her again "you seem like a smart girl, care to share what's on your mind?" as the CEO asked this he leaned back in his chair, and Boxy Boo and Killy Willy came in startling Avery. "What are these-" before she could ask Killy Willy swiped at her and knocked her out, he body was slammed into the bookcase like a rag doll, she was knocked unconscious and her head was split open a bit, blood leaked onto the CEO's carpet, but he didn't seem to care, he could always replace the carpet with another carpet, and cover the blood, maybe get some carpet cleaner as well. "Good work you two, but-" "I can't do this... you hurt an innocent person" Boxy Boo spoke out as Killy Willy and the CEO turned to him.

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