Chapter 424

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Catnap walked away from the others angry that Dogday wasn't understanding him, Killy Willy and Boxy Boo seemed to understand him though, they offered their support and were helping him to understand who was truly there for him. Killy Willy was faking his words though Boxy Boo was being genuine with his, they both were trying to help the purple feline, but eventually thought the prototype found them. Crawling out of the vent the claw had something dragged behind him, from what Catnap could tell, the prototype was dragging a Catnap plushie, but not just any Catnap plushie... it was Moonlight. Catnap gasps as he sees what happened to his little plushie "who did this?!" as he asks this the prototype speaks to him "Dogday" it said as he crawled back into the vent. Catnap was speechless "Dogday.... killed Moonlight?" he asks in disbelief as Killy Willy and Boxy Boo were both shocked at this. Neither could actually say anything about it because they didn't actually believe that Dogday would've done something THAT bad, especially to his own friend. Catnap's fur bristles as he thinks of his "friend" now. "Some friend he is, he knew that Moonlight meant a lot to me, yet he does this to them?! I bet he even killed Sunshine..." Catnap said in a dark tone that made Killy Willy step back in shock. "Now Catnap, we don't know if that's what hap-" Boxy Boo tried to calm the feline down but Catnap just hissed at him. "Don't tell me to relax Boxy Boo, he killed my little buddy, and I need to get revenge" as he says this though Boxy Boo tries to say something but the obedience chip goes off causing him to groan in pain, Catnap looked at him worriedly but due to Killy Willy standing over him he couldn't utter a word, so he just sucked up the pain and nods. "It's okay, I'll be fine" he says in a weak voice. As he looked up though he noticed Killy looking down at him with a menacing glare that said "if you say anything, I'll personally rip your springs off myself" Boxy Boo gulped in fear a bit he knew how dangerous the toy was from being down below, since he was put down there he had been subjected to watch Killy attacking scientists and a few other people, he was appalled by the acts, but he couldn't say a word as the prototype and Killy would've just killed him on the spot, Boxy knows his strength but he knew he couldn't take the two on his own, so he remained silent throughout it all, watching and listening to the scientists and innocent people crying out in fear, begging for help, trying to run and crawl away for safety, but none actually making it. Boxy Boo wanted to cry a few times but he refused to show weakness in front of the two, he wasn't sure what would even happen if he did. He sure didn't want to find out though... Catnap wanted space, so he told them he would be back in a few minutes or so. As he walked off he didn't notice the look Boxy Boo gave him, pleading.

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