Chapter 418

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"Another adoption?!" yelled Kickin as he threw the rat at the CEO hitting him squarely in the face. "Kickin-" Hoppy tried to get their friend to stop but Kickin was too mad to care. "What do you mean another adoption?! They aren't even get-" Kickin couldn't finish the sentence as Dogday covered his beak. The CEO looked at the mascots with a raised brow. He watched the rat scurry off and noticed the night time phase was in the Playcare. "Shouldn't you all be asleep?" he asked as everyone looked at him confused. "There is a break out on the mini critters side, and we need someone to install the stupid doors, if we don't there could be chaos" Kick explains as he helps Dogday stand up and walks him over to the other critters. The CEO watched them, but he didn't really know how to react towards any of them, he watched as Dogday got a hug from a few of the critters but noticed three were missing. "There are three of you missing, where are the-" before he got to ask the full question though a paw was on his should and quickly spun him around to face Frowny Fox, Bitty Kitty, and Sharp Charm glaring at the man. "What do you want?" Bitty Kitty asks as she walks a bit closer, and seemingly looks threatening to scare him, but the CEO could care less as hent phased. "Another child is getting adopted today" he said with a straight face as the three mascots froze, they suddenly looked pissed off. "No way..." Frowny Fox said in disbelief knowing full well that the man was not allowing the kids to be adopted. "Yes Claire and Simon-" as the CEO said this the two kids looked up from their places on the floor. The CEO turn around after he shrugs Frowny's paw off his shoulder. "Yes, you two are getting adopted today, and-" he was cut off "no" said Dogday as he stood blocking the view, and the children. The kids behind him were understandably upset that he wasn't allowing them to be adopted, but they were unaware of what their futures really held for them. Dogday looked at the CEO with a glare meant to not scare him, but to make it clear the kids were off limits to him when it came to his experiments. "That's fine" he agreed as he knew that the critters wouldn't let him take the kids out for his own desires, so instead he'd have to improvise. He shrugs and turns to leave but just as he is Catnap, Killy Willy, and Boxy Boo come out of the Playcare. "What's all these plans?" Catnap demands as the CEO looks at him confused "plans?" as he asked this question Catnap tosses the folder towards his feet and a few papers slip out... his future plans for the entire company. "Those plans... where did you get these?!" he demanded but Catnap just looked towards a vent where the prototype's clawed hand appeared.

Smiling Critters continues on...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang