Chapter 420

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As the CEO carried the kids away he missed one of them, he decided to either come back and see if he could get them back or if something else happened like the mini critters eating them or- he shook his head. He walked into his office with the kids and brought them to his lab before he tied them down on operation tables. "Don't worry, this will only hurt for a few minutes" he spoke quietly as a few scientists walked in getting ready for the experiments. "Perhaps I could also get one of you guys or my other employees to sacrifice their lives for the greater good of the company" as he said this though the scientists all looked at each other a bit concerned, but the CEO only laughed "it was a joke guys, don't worry" he said as he walked out of the lab telling them to start whenever. The CEO walks out of his office in search of Huggy Wuggy knowing he had to fix the blue monster or something else would happen, the scars on his body weren't the most kid friendly things to look at, so he'd have to force Huggy's soul into another suit, a clean one, and hopefully he will be able to be apart of the show again. "I just need to fin-" "find who?" Mommy Longlegs suddenly appeared in front of the CEO hanging upside down from the ceiling. "It's nothing, don't worry, I just need to find Huggy Wuggy so I can fix him up and possibly in a new suit since the scars on his body aren't helping the company's image right now" as he said this though he noticed Mommy's eyes narrow a bit. "What?" he asks a bit confused but Mommy just rolls her eyes "we all saw you take those children after they were trampled... what is wrong with you?" she asked, her tone serious. "Nothing" said the CEO rolling his eyes. "You all need to mind your own business since I'm doing all I can for this company to stay afloat, without me this place will go down in flames" as he said this Mommy knew he was right, this place would be chaotic, but she was also curious "what if you did leave us be, like you left for a week and we were-" she was cut off by the CEO "absolutely not, that's far too risky" he said this with a glare directed towards her. "But it would be a good experiment, I mean what's the worst that could happen?" as she asked this the CEO chuckled "the worst thing that could happen is if you guys kill the customers and they get a witness" as he said this he pointed towards the cameras, they can't pick up sound, but they can see everything that's happening, so you and the other toys better not think of rebelling against the factory or there will be consequences, deadly consequences for you all" as he says this he looked Mommy in the eye silently frightening her. "Yes sir" she said before she crawled away.

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