Saying Goodbye

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The last few weeks of school was rough. 

The school had a funeral for Cedric and Dumbledore gave out the truth of how Cedric was murdered. Out of everyone, Harry was the most distraught, and Sera didn't blame him. But she as surprised when he took her aside on the final evening of Hogwarts. 

"Sera? There's something that I need to tell you. When I was in that graveyard with Voldemort that night, I saw . . . . I saw our parents. And I saw Aurelius Knightley, as well. And they wanted to tell you something."

"Harry, why didn't you say this before?" Sera chided gently. 

"I didn't have the energy. And I was still grieving the loss of Cedric. But Mum and Dad told me to tell you that they're proud of the young woman you've become. And Aurelius Knightley told me to tell you that he's proud of you for protecting his son. He really needed someone to talk to, who will listen to him."  

"Did Mr. Knightley want to give any messages to his son?" 

A smile twitched at her brother's lips. "Only that he's proud of the young man he's becoming. That he's proud that he had survived everything that he had gone through. And that he hopes that he'll finish what he started with his friend, Regulus Black and get revenge." 

Sera smiled softly. "I'm sure that Dante would want to hear that from you." 

Harry nodded. "Okay. I'll go find him." 

He was about to walk off when Sera stopped him again. "And Harry?" He turned to face her. "If Dante ever tells you the truth of his past, please don't be too hard on him. He's been through a lot." 

"So his father had told me. He didn't tell me what all he went through when he lived in Malfoy Manor. But from what I can tell, they did not treat him correctly. Right. I'm going to go find him." 

Sera watched as his brother took off to look for Dante. In the meanwhile, Sera took off to the courtyard to tell her friends goodbye. She was surprised when Viktor Krum pulled her aside as she reached the courtyard. 

"Seraphina? I just wanted to let you know, I never meant to hurt Diggory or your brother in the Maze. I was —" 

"Bewitched. We figured that out from the fake Alastor Moody. There's no reason to be ashamed of that, Viktor. It wasn't your fault." 

"I never got to apologize to Diggory, though. He was a good young man, inside and out. And listen, Sera. I just want to warn you ahead of time. I've been hearing some rumors going around lately, and that Cedric only dropped dead from shock and that your brother is lying —"

"That's a bunch of bullshi —" Sera began, but Viktor cut her off. 

"I know. I don't believe them. I didn't know Cedric for very long, but I don't believe that he would just suddenly drop dead. I know that something evil is here at work. I don't know you very well, Sera, but I know you're not a liar. Can we please remain good allies, even though we're not from the same school?"

Sera smiled and stuck her hand out for him to shake. "Of course we can, Viktor."

Viktor smiled back and hurried away to say goodbye to some more people he'd bonded with over the years. Hermione joined her seconds later. 

"What did Viktor want to talk to you about?" 

"Only to tell me that he believed Harry and didn't think that Cedric would just randomly drop dead in shock. Cedric wasn't that sensitive, believe me. He also told me that there were bad rumors going around about Harry, with people saying he's a liar. Oh, and he also asked if we could remain allies." 

Hermione looked thoughtful. "That's one of the things that I like about Viktor. He's not snobbish like most Quidditch stars would be. He's honest and thoughtful. Always sees the good in mostly everyone."

They continued hanging around the courtyard until they were joined by her brother, Dante, and Ron. Sera noticed that Dante looked a bit more relaxed, so she wondered if her brother had just told Dante what his father had said to him.

"Do you think that we'll ever be able to have a quiet year at Hogwarts at all?" Ron whined as he sat on the window's ledge.

"While me and Harry alive? Definitely not," Sera scoffed in return.

"Ah, well. I didn't think so. Anyways, what's life without a few dragons?"

"I'd rather take on an army of Dementors than facing a dragon on my own," Sera declared half jokingly.

"Everything is going to change now, isn't it?" Hermione asked with a sad sigh.

Harry, Ron, Sera, and Dante glanced at each other. Harry finally approached Hermione and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Yes. Everything."

Hermione breathed sharply through her nose before nodding. She finally walked along again with a slight smile on her face.

"Promise that the four of you will write to me. All of you," Hermione insisted.

"I won't," Ron laughed. "You know that I definitely won't."

Hermione rolled her eyes before eagerly turning to face the three of them.

"Harry, Sera, and Dante will. Won't you?"

"Yeah! Every week," Sera answered lightly.

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