Welcome Back to Hogwarts

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***Sera’s outfit & hairstyle! ps: forget the accessories, lol*** 

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***Sera’s outfit & hairstyle! ps: forget the accessories, lol*** 

“Quickly, now!” said Mr. Weasley s demanded as they ran for the King’s Cross Station. 

“The train will be leaving at any moment!” said Mrs. Weasley just as frantically. 

“Fred, George, Percy, you first!” said Mr. Weasley. 

The twins and Percy ran through the secret passage, disappearing at once. For once, Sera didn't care of Muggles saw them. They just wanted to go ahead and get quickly onto the train. 

Harry and Dante were next. 

“C’mon, Gin. Let’s go!”

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, along with Ginny, ran through the barrier. It was Sera’s and Ron’s turn. 

“Let’s go,” said Sera.

With confidence, they began to run for the barrier. Only, except, they were blocked. Sera crashed head-first into the barrier with Ron landing on top of her. Their things were scattered. Gizmo twittered angrily at them. 

“Oi!” said a Muggle conductor demanded. “What the hell do you two think you're doing?!”

“Sorry!“ Sera groaned her apology, clutching at her shoulder. She was definitely going to get it bruised later. “We l-lost control of the trolley!”

The conductor seemed to have bought their cover-up. He shook his head and muttered something of crazy people. Sera gripped her shoulder. The throbbing had not gone away. 

“What do we do, now?!” Sera hissed. 

“I dunno! The gate way must have sealed itself, or something!” Ron answered anxiously. He patted at the barrier, which was rock-solid. 

Sera’s heart sank when she saw that the clock struck eleven. 

“It’s exactly eleven o’clock!” she hissed. “We’ve missed it!”

Ron’s eyes widened in horror. 

“Sera? If we can’t get through, maybe mum and dad can’t get back to us.”

Sera’s mind frantically whirred with thoughts, wondering what they should do to pass the time.

“Well, why don’t we just wait by the car?” 

Ron gave her a look of amazement. 

“The car?”


After putting everything securely in the back and trunk of the car, they got in and immediately began to work the car. 

“Ron? Maybe I should tell you!” Sera shrieked through the roaring wind. “Most Muggles aren’t accustomed to seeing a flying car!”

“Um — right!”

He pressed a silver button on the dashboard and the immediately disappeared, until they got to the country side. Ron banged his palm against the button frantically. 

“Oh, no! The Invisibility Booster must be faulty!”

“Well, let’s get lower,” she encouraged. “We need to find the train.”

“Right,” Ron answered. 

He put the car in gear and lowered the car onto the tracks. Sera sighed with relief once they got onto the train tracks. 

“Right. All we need to do now is find the train.”

“We can’t be that far behind,” Ron insisted. 

A quiet sound of the train's horn sounded in the distance. Sera’s ears perked up. She immediately got excited to hear the familiar noise. 

“Did you hear that?!« she hissed quietly. 

“Yeah, we must be getting close!” Ron answered enthusiastically. 

“Hold on . . . .”

Ron’s face went pink with nerves. He whimpered. The duo slowly turned around in their seats to come face-to-face with the train about to crash into them. 

Luckily, they made it out of the way, with Sera accidentally opening the door and sliding out. She would have fallen to her death if she hadn’t grabbed onto the handle. Ron screamed for her. But they were lucky to pull her back up. Sera was now gasping for breath, wheezing. 

“I think that we found the train,” she whimpered faintly. 

“Yeah. Yeah,” Ron agreed, panting. 


The Hogwarts castle soon came into view. Sera sighed in relief when she came face-to-face with the familiar sight. Even Ron noticed her relieved expression. 

“Welcome home,” he sighed. 

Halfway across the lake, however, the car began to go out of control, and they landed painfully in a tree. Glass shattered. Ron stared at his wand in horror. Sera’s eyes went wide when she saw the nearly-severed wand in is hands. It reminded her of Nearly Headless Nick’s head — just hanging barely by the skin. 

“My wand,” he squeaked in horror. “Look at my wand!”

“Be grateful that it wasn’t your neck,” Sera groaned. 

A hard thump hit the back of the car, causing Ron to drop his wand onto his lap in shock. 

“What’s happening?!” he asked, his voice still squeaky.

“I don’t know,” Sera answered at once. 

Their answer was confirmed when a branch came swinging down in front of them. The branches from the tree hit the car, nearly killing Sera and Ron in the process. Finally, the car dropped to the ground and Ron was able to get them out. They were both restless and breathing heavily, staring at each other in relief. 

“Glad we got out of that,” said Ron faintly. 

Before their adventure could end, however, the car tossed them out of their seats, getting everything out of the backseat and the trunks. Then it began to make its way to the Forbidden Forest. 

“The car!” Ron called out as he set his mouse, Scabbers, back on the ground so that they could chase after the car. But it was out of bounds. They could not go into the Forbidden Forest. Sera already had a horrible moment in that place. 

“Dad’s gonna kill me,” Ron whimpered. 


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