Welcome To Hogwarts

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Harry pulled his sister along once they’d gotten off the train, leading them to a giant named Hagrid. Of course, Sera had heard all about this friendly giant from Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, and George. The Weasley twins had claimed that Hagrid was scary and would try to scare people away from his property. The rest of the Weasleys said that he was very friendly and welcoming to the newcomers. Sera had decided to trust Bill, Charlie, and Percy’s judgements instead of the twins. 

They made their way across the lake and to the docks. There, they made their way up many winding stairs until they reached the platform. A stern-looking woman stood there. Sera’s stomach furled uncomfortably. She hated the intense stare the woman gave the newcomers. 

Hagrid stood forward and bowed politely to her. “The first-years, Professor McGonagall.$

“Thank you, Hagrid,” Professor McGonagall answered. The giant disappeared behind the door and the old woman began to speak. “Welcome to Hogwarts. Now, in a few moments, we will be passing through these doors, and you will be sorted into your houses. The houses are: Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin. Now, once you're sorted into your houses, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you house points. Any rule-breaking, and you will lose points —”

“Trevor!” a boy exclaimed excitedly. He shoved past Sera as he made his way to the top of the stairs. Sera smirked as the others around her began to snicker audibly. Professor McGonagall looked somewhat disgusted. The boy bowed his head. “Sorry,” he mumbled, before hobbling back over to his spot. 

“The sorting ceremony shall being momentarily,” Professor McGonagall concluded. 

Once the elderly woman had gone out of earshot, a new voice rang from the crowd. 

“So! It is true, then! As they've been saying on the train. . . . . Harry Potter has reunited with his twin sister at last.” 

Sera could her hers and her brother’s names being whispered through the crowd. The red-head felt uncomfortable with all of the attention she was suddenly receiving. The blonde who had spoken moments ago, continued speaking, motioning to his friends. 

“This is Crabbe, and that’s Goyle,” he drawled. He then motioned to the curly blonde-headed boy Sera had accidentally ran into on the train earlier in the day. Now she understood why that boy had behaved so bitterly towards her. “And this useless one, over here, is my cousin, Durante Knightley.” Dante shot his cousin an offended look, which he ignored. He stood up proudly. “And I’m Malfoy. Draco Malfoy.” 

Ron made a noise that sounded like a choked-back snort of laughter. Unfortunately, Malfoy had heard it. His eyes narrowed and he glared at Ron, who immediately looked as though he regretted it. 

“You think that my name’s funny, do you? Let’s see. Red hair? And hand-me-down robes? You must be a Weasley.” Ron looked uncomfortable, averting his eyes to the ground. The Malfoy boy turned to the twins. “As you can see, Potters, some families are more organized than others. You don't want to go hanging out with the wrong kind. I can help you there.”

He held his hand out, expecting the duo to accept his hand. 

“I think that I can understand the wrong sort for myself, thanks,” Harry answered calmly after eyeing Malfoy's outstretched hand. 

The blonde-headed kid clenched his fist before turning his outstretched hand to Sera.

“And you, Potter?” he scowled. 

Sera had the same reaction as her brother did. Malfoy did not look too pleased. He moved, ready to strike Harry across the face. But luckily, they were saved by Professor McGonagall. The woman tapped the boy’s shoulder sharply with a scroll of parchment paper. The Malfoy boy scowled, before flouncing away. 

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