Mysterious Diary

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Thunder rumbled through the air as Sera, Ron, and Harry walked up the stairs. Hermione was still in the hospital wing. She was still mad at Ron for making fun of her and refused to talk to him. 

"Have you spoken to Hermione?" Ron asked hopefully. 

"She said that she should be able to leave the hospital in a couple of days," Sera answered before wrinkling her nose. "When she stops coughing up fur balls." They came across a flooded corridor. It had her intrigued. 

"What's this?" Ron asked, who seemed to be just as interested as she was. 

They ran through the corridor, splashing water along the way, getting soaked. But she didn't care. She stopped when she saw where the water was coming from.

"Yuck!" she exclaimed in disgust. "It looks like Moaning Myrtle is having fun overflowing the bathrooms again." 

They entered the bathroom to see Moaning Myrtle floating aimlessly around in the air, wailing and whimpering quietly. She only stopped when she noticed the three teens standing there. She sniffled, pouting. 

"Come to throw something else at me?" she pouted.

The three of them gave each other looks of confusion.

"Why would we throw something at you?" Sera asked, bewildered. 

"Don't ask me," Myrtle continued. "Here I am, minding my own business, and someone thinks that it's funny to throw a book at me." 

Ron did not help with the situation. He only made it worse. 

"But . . . . it can't hurt if a book goes through you. I mean . . . . you're already dead."

"Ron!" Sera scolded. 

Unfortunately, he had touched Myrtle's nerves. She soared over towards him, getting right up in his face. She looked absolutely livid. 

"Oh, sure! Let's all throw books at Myrtle because she can't feel it! Ten points it if goes through her stomach! Fifty points if it goes through her head!" 

"But who would throw a book at you?" Sera nonchalantly asked, trying to be all innocent and distract Myrtle from being angry at Ron. 

Myrtle stared with a dreamy look on her face. "I dunno. I didn't see them. I was just sitting in the U-bend thinking about death —" she let out a dreamy sigh before pouting again. "— And it fell through the top of my head." 

She whimpered before going back to her wailing again. It turned into an angry screech, startling Ron. 

Sera looked around for the book and finally found it in a puddle of water, clearly soaked. She picked it up and they headed back to the Gryffindor common room. Sera knew that she had to give this book a try. She wondered why an innocent book like this would be tossed into a toilet. 

A ghost woman was humming, and Sera began to get annoyed. She wanted some peace and privacy while looking through this diary. 

"Do you mind?" she asked politely.  

The ghost sighed, closed her book, and floated away. Once Sera was sure that everyone was asleep or not in the Gryffindor common room, she flipped open the book, realizing that the pages were empty. She furrowed her eyebrows and took out her quill. She dipped it in ink and wrote down a simple sentence. 

"My name is Seraphina Potter," she muttered to herself as she wrote her name down on the parchment. 

At once, words responded back, introducing themselves a Tom Riddle. Sera's heart pounded in her chest. She dipped her quill back in the ink, writing quickly in excitement. 

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