The Map Lies

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Sera had a successful Defense Against the Dark Arts private lesson with Professor Lupin. She didn't succeed the first time, which Professor Lupin didn't expect. But she did the second time. Now it was the weekend, and she could relax for a bit. Well, she would, if Hermione and Ron weren't bickering. 

"It's a beautiful day," Hermione quipped happily as they walked out of the Hogwarts castle. Dante and Sera lagged behind, letting the three get ahead of them. They didn't want to be a part of their 'old married couple' argument. 

"Oh, gorgeous," Ron answered sarcastically. "Unless, of course, you've been ripped to pieces." 

Harry stared at Ron, amazed and confused. "Ripped to pieces? What are you talking about?" 

Hermione huffed. "Ronald has lost his rat." 

"I haven't lost anything!" Ron burst out angrily. "Your cat killed him!" 

"Rubbish!" Hermione scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Harry, Sera. You've seen the way that bloody cat of hers has been wandering about, with his nose in the air. Now Scabbers is gone!" 

Hermione turned to face Ron, walking backwards. "Well maybe you should learn to take better care of your pets!" 

"Your cat killed him!" 

"Did not!" 

"Did, too!" 

"Didn't!" Hermione growled. 

Sera smiled to herself, amused. She leaned into Dante and said quietly, "Oh, let them argue. I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up getting married one day."

Unfortunately, Ron had heard. He whipped around, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"What did you say, Sera?" 

Sera shrugged in return. "Nothing," she answered innocently. 

Dante snickered quietly next to her. He also had a playful smirk on his face. 

When they got to Hagrid's, they went to the edge of the Black Lake. The half-giant chucked large, flat stones into the water, skipping them. 

"How did it go, Hagrid?" Hermione asked anxiously. She and Ron have seemingly forgotten about their argument about Crookshanks. "The hearing?" 

"Well," Hagrid answered. "First off, the committee members took turns telling us why we were there." He rolled his eyes and picked up another flat stone. "Then I got up, and told them that Buckbeak was a good Hippogriff, and always cleaned his feathers." He sighed heavily. "And then, Lucius Malfoy got up. Well, you could imagine the words that he could say. He said that Buckbeak was a deadly creature, and could kill you as soon as you could look at it." 

He chucked the stone into the river. 

"You're not being sacked, are you?" Ron asked, sounding furious. 

"Ron!" Sera scolded. 

"No, I'm not being sacked," Hagrid grumbled. He skipped another stone before bursting out in despair, "Buckbeak's being sentenced to death!" 

That was not the news Sera and her friends were expecting. Hagrid chucked the last flat stone into the water and burst into tears. 


Someone shook Sera's shoulder as she was deep in her sleep. She grunted as she woke up, staring blearily at the person who woke her up. She squinted as a bright light blinded her vision, making her eyes water.

"Harry?" she groaned. "What the bloody hell? It's nearly three in the morning and we have to get up at seven to get ready for classes. What the hell are you doing in my dorm room?" 

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