Everyone Returns

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Sera and Ron were led to Professor Dumbledore's office. Sera knew that they were in trouble for breaking possibly hundreds of school rules just to save their best friend from being killed. Dante had been taken by Madame Pomfrey so that he could recover more properly, and it had been suggested by Professor Dumbledore that he should have a cup of hot chocolate as well. 

"You do realize that, over the past twenty-four hours, you have broken, perhaps, over a dozen school rules," said Professor Dumbledore.

Sera and Ron glanced at each other in defeat. Sera sighed heavily. 

"Yes, sir." 

"And for that, I was going to have you be expelled." 

Sera knew it. "Yes sir." 

"Therefore, it's only fitting that, that you both receive 150 House Points each for your hard work."

Sera was relieved. Did that mean they were not expelled? Both she and Ron gave each other smiles of relief. 

"Thanks, Professor," Sera thanked breathily. 

Professor Dumbledore nodded before standing up. He grabbed a bundle of papers and handed them to Ron. 

"Now. Mr Weasley, if you could, I would like for you to have an owl deliver these release papers to Azkaban. I believe that we may need our gamekeeper back." 

Ron grinned, knowing what Hagrid was talking about. He left, though he glanced at Sera anxiously as he left. Sera turned to Professor Dumbledore's desk once more. A sinking feeling formed in the pit of her stomach. 

"First, I want to thank you, Seraphina. You must have shown me true, unwavering loyalty down in the Chamber of Secrets. Nothing but that could have called Fawkes to you. And second, I sense that something is troubling you?"

So he could see right through her. Sera knew that she could not avoid answering the question any longer. 

"You see, sir. I couldn't help but notice a resemblances between Tom Riddle and me." 

"You can speak Parseltongue, Seraphina. Do you know why?" Sera shook her head, staring expectantly at the elderly wizard in front of her. "Because Lord Voldemort can also speak Parseltongue. If I'm not mistaken, Seraphina, he transferred some of his powers to you and your twin brother the night he gave you that scar."

Sera was mortified. The color drained from her face. Her body stiffened. 

"Voldemort put a part of his soul into me?" 

"Not intentionally," Professor Dumbledore agreed. "But, yes. He did, in a way." 

Sera stood there, defeated. She couldn't believe that the Sorting Hat had been right the entire time. 

"So the Sorting Hat was right! I should have been sorted into Slytherin!"

"But you're not! Which makes you very different from Lord Voldemort. It is not our abilities to that show what we truly are, Seraphina. It is our choices. But if you want more proof as to why you belong in Gryffindor, I suggest that you should take a closer look more closely at this. Careful, careful." 

Sera carefully took the blade of the sword. She had her other hand on the hilt. She took a closer look near the hilt of the blade. 

"Godric Gryffindor."

Professor Dumbledore nodded. "It would take a true Gryffindor to pull this sword out of that hat." 

Before Sera could ask another important question, the office door burst open to reveal none other than Lucius Malfoy. And at his heels stood —

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