Only Time Can Tell

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"R-Remus?" a man squeaked once the man had been fully transformed. "S-Sirius! My old friends!" 

He tried hugging them, only to be pushed away. He then turned his attention to Harry. 

"Oh, Harry! You look exactly like your father! Me and James — We were the best of friends —!" 

At this point, Sera had enough of Peter Pettigrew. She got in between him and her brother, pushing him away, sending him stumbling backwards into Sirius and Lupin. She pointed a threatening finger at the jerk, fuming. 

"You will never lay a hand on my brother again!" she snarled. "Do you hear me?!" 

"We realize that, if Voldemort didn't kill you, then we would — together!" said Lupin as he aimed his wand at the cowering servant. 

"NO!" Harry yelled. 

Everything went unusually quiet. Finally, Professor Lupin sighed. 

"Harry, Sera. This man is —" 

"I know who he is," Harry answered, coming from behind his sister's protection. "But we'll take him to the castle." 

"Oh, bless you, dear boy! Bless you!" 

He fell at her brother's feet, attempting to touch him again. Harry immediately moved out of the way.

"Get off me! I said that we'll take you to the castle. After that, the dementors can have you." 

Pettigrew became a blubbering, shaking mess. 


"Sorry about the bite," Sirius apologized to Ron as they slowly made their way out of the Whomping Willow. "I suppose that it twinges a bit." 

"A bit?" said Ron in disbelief. "A bit?! You almost tore my leg off!" 

"I didn't mean to," Sirius pleaded. "I was really going for the rat. Usually, I have a very sweet disposition as a dog. In fact, more than once, James said that I should make the change permanent. The tail, I can live with. But the fleas, they're murderers." 

Harry and Sirius set Ron down. Sera, Hermione, and Dante joined them shortly after. Sera noticed her brother staring longingly after Sirius. 

"Go talk to him," she insisted quietly. 

"What?! No! I want to stay with you guys!" 

"We'll take care of Ron," Sera insisted. "Go talk to him!" 

Harry glanced over at Ron in concern. He then got to his feet and walked over to where Sirius was. As Sera, Hermione, and Dante continued to look over Ron's leg, Lupin came out with a trembling, spluttering Peter Pettigrew. 

"Anything but the dementors!" Pettigrew pleaded, his voice trembling in terror. "Anything but the dementors! Turn me back into a rat! Or let me be a servant! I'll do anything!" To Ron, he added, "Ron, haven't I been a good pet? A good rat? I let you use Transfiguration on me!" To Sera, he added, "Sweet girl! Clever girl! You look so much like your mother. Please don't hand me over to the dementors!" His eyes landed on Dante and his eyes narrowed. Dante shifted uncomfortably. "Your cousins would have set me free in a heartbeat. You know that, right?" 

"Get away from them!" Lupin snarled, still holding Pettigrew by wand point. 

Everything seemed to be quiet and clear. Then, all of a sudden —

"HARRY!" Sera shrieked. 

She had gotten to her feet when she had noticed the full moon coming from behind the cloud. As soon as the moonlight had touched Professor Lupin, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor immediately went rigid, dropping his wand to the ground, moaning in agony. 

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