A Terrifying Experience

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"Alastor Moody," their new professor greeted them the next morning. Everyone watched nervously. He turned his back on them and began to write on the chalkboard behind them. "Ex-Auror. Ministry Malcontent. And I'm your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I'm here becuz Dumbledore asked me to. End of story. Goodbye. The End. Any questions?" No one answered. "When it comes to the Dark Arts, I believe that there is a magical approach. But first, who can tell me how many Unforgivable Curses there are?"

"Three, Sir," Sera answered at once. She had her fists clenched down on the table. She had a bad feeling about this.

"And they are so named?"

Sera inhaled sharply through her nose. "Because they are unforgivable. If you use any one of them, it'll -"

"Earn you a one-way ticket to Azkaban. Correct! Now, the Ministry says that you're too young to see what these Curses do. I SAY DIFFERENT! You need to know what you're up against. You need to be prepared. And you need to find another place put your chewing gum besides the underside of your desk, Mr. Finnegan!"

Sera jumped and turned to face Seamus, who looked full of disbelief and complained in a loud whisper, "Aw, man! No wait! That ain't fair! That old codger can see through the back of his head!"

"I CAN HEAR ACROSS CLASSROOMS!" Professor Moody roared as he chucked a piece of white chalk across the room, aiming for Seamus Finnegan's head. "So. Which curse shall we see first? Weasley!"

"Y-Yes?!" Ron yelped in terror.


Ron nervously did so.

"Tell us a curse," he added in a calmer voice.

"Well, my dad did tell me about one. It's the Imperious Curse."

"Oh, yeah. Your father would know all about that. It gave the Ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago. Perhaps this will tell you why."

He walked over to a glass jar filled with disgusting, grubby creatures. He pulled out a spider in particular.

"Hello!" he greeted. "Lovely little beauty. Ingorgio. Imperio!"

The spider enlarged by itself. Using the curse, he managed to float the spider around the classroom. One particularly funny moment was when he latched the spider onto Malfoy's face. He begged his goonies to get it off him.

"Talented, isn't she?" Professor Moody gloated. "What should I have her do, next? Jump out the window? Drown herself? Victims have claimed that they only did You-Know-Who's bidding . . . under the influence of the Imperious Curse! Now, here's the rub? How do we sort out the liars? Give me another hand. Up, up!"

Sera was surprised as a shaking Dante raised his hand. She noticed that his face looked pale and his expression terrified.

"Knightley, isn't it?" Dante nodded, avoiding Professor Moody's gaze. "Come on. Give us a curse."

Dante took in a shaky breath. "There's - There's the Cruciatus Curse."

Sera noticed how his voice had hitched upr two octaves as he mentioned the awful curse Professor Moody's eyes it up.

"Correct, correct! Come and watch!" Professor Moody led a shaking, stiff Dante to his desk in the front of the classroom. "The Torture Curse. Crucio!"

If you could listen closely, you could hear the spider squealing in pain. Sera, who was closest to Dante and had a good view of him, noticed that sweat began to bead his forehead. His eyes looked glassy, and he quickly squeezed them shut. He gasped, trying to block out awful memories.

Sera looked around. She noticed that everyone looked tensed and that no one had bothered to stop the horrors that the innocent boy had to relive. She was surprised that even Malfoy's face went pale, his expression stiff. She knew that she had to do something about it.

"Stop it!" she finally shrieked. "Can't you see that it's bothering him?! Stop it!"

Mad-Eye did as he was told. He cleared his throat and let the spider crawl onto his hand. He walked over to Sera's desk. By now, even Sera's eyes were glassy-looking, filled with tears. The haunted, terrified look on Dante's face would forever haunt her memory. She wondered what had happened to him in the past.

"Perhaps you could tell us the last Unforgivable Curse, Miss Granger?"

Sera looked up with glazed eyes and shook her head, looking down.

"No? Avada Kedavra!"

At once, the spiders went dead. She quickly turned as the bright, green light mercilessly struck the spider.

"The Killing Curse. Not nice. It's a Curse that the Dark Lord uses if he wishes to finish or destroy his enemies. It is impossible to survive this curse. But there are two survivors. And they're sitting in this very room."

When Defense Against the Dark Arts was over, Dante left immediately. he grabbed his bag and left without a word, shoving people away from him. Sera stared after him, wondering what the hell happened to that sweet, innocent boy.

"Brilliant, isn't he?" Ron gushed as they slowly began to walk down the stairs. The memory of Dante's haunted expression was still etched, fresh, in her mind. "I mean, clearly frightening to be in the same classroom as him. But it looks as though he's really been there before!"

"There's a reason why those Curses were Unforgivable," Sera burst out angrily. "And to perform them in a classroom! I mean, did you see the look on poor Dante's face?"

"Sera," said her brother quietly.

They noticed Dante standing nearby, eyes still glassy, and leaning against an opening in the spiral staircase. Sera furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and approached the boy with caution.

"Dante?" she asked kindly.

A hand roughly pushed hers aside. Moody had come by, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Son? Are you alright?" Dante didn't respond. He glanced back out the window. "C'mon. Let's go have a cuppa tea. I'd like to show you something."

He left. Dante sighed before turning to follow Professor Moody back up the stairs to his office again.

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