A True Mother's Daughter

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"Sera? Down by the lake, I really did see someone. And that someone sent the dementors away," Harry insisted as they continued to wait for their past selves to come out of the Whomping Willow. 

"I overheard Professor Snape and Professor Dumbledore chatting. According to Professor Snape, only a really powerful witch or wizard could be able to perform the Patronus Charm."

"It was our Mum," Harry interrupted proudly. 

The slight smile on Sera's face had faded into a frown. An uncomfortable lurch formed in her stomach. Her mouth felt unusually dry. She swallowed.

"Sera, our mum is —" 

"Dead, I know. I'm just telling you what I saw, Sera." 

Sera nodded, though she wasn't entirely fully convinced that Harry had seen their mother in the first place. But luckily, her thoughts got interrupted when she saw their past selves coming out of the Whomping Willow. She caught her brother's attention, patting him on the shoulder.

"Here we come." 

They got to their feet. Sera watched as her past brother walked over to Sirius. Now that her attention wasn't on an injured Ronald Weasley, she could tell that the duo were in deep conversation. 

"You see me talking to Sirius there?" Harry asked. His sister only hummed in response, letting her brother know that she had heard him. "He's asking the two of us to come live with him." 

Sera's face glowed with pride as she smiled broadly. 

"Oh, Harry! That's great!" 

"We can be real family," Harry continued to gush. "Maybe we'll move to the country, someplace where he can see the sky with the stars. I think that he'd like that after all those years being locked away in Azkaban." 

Sera agreed. They went quiet as they heard Professor Lupin transforming. Her stomach lurched painfully as Professor Lupin had lashed Dante across the cheek, making him go unconscious. Sera shrieked and collapsed next to him. 

"Sirius. Let's go!" Harry breathed breathlessly. 

The two of them ran off. They watched anxiously as Professor Lupin continued throwing the dog-transformed Sirius Black onto the ground. But luckily, Sirius was able to get to his feet. Suddenly, Sera had an idea. She put her hands together around her mouth and mimicked a howl. Her brother immediately pulled her hands away. 

"What are you doing?!" he demanded. 

"I'm saving your life," Sera answered before howling again. 

Professor Lupin looked very intrigued before sprinting in their direction — heading directly towards them. Harry realized this before his sister did. 


"No problem."

"Oh, great. Now it's coming after us."

Sera sucked in a breath through her teeth. 

"Yeah, I obviously didn't think about that. Run!" 

They took off, panting heavily. Sera's feet were sore from sprinting throughout the Forbidden Forest. But she continued to run without stopping. She shrieked when her brother had collapsed and she managed to help him to his feet. 

They didn't stop until they managed to hide behind a tree, hoping to avoid being seen. Sera tried hard to not breathe too hard in case the werewolf had sensitive hearing. But unfortunately, they stepped out too quickly. They heard a growling noise behind them. Sera gasped and slowly turned around.

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