Chapter 62: Wood Carving

Start from the beginning

"That was too easy." He thought. Wanting to do more he stood up and went outside in search of another piece of wood he could carve.


Mochou looked around the yard but found nothing but half rotten scraps of wood or firewood that was full of knots and cracks.

"I like a challenge but this is pitiful." Mochou thought as he threw the mangled piece of firewood back in the pile with the others.

Not seeing what he wanted Mochou looked at the chicken coop they had built.

"Jie Hong should have some wood." He thought now regretting his decision to not go with Yichen.

Mochou walked around the yard once more. As he walked he admired the now tall walls. They looked thick and strong.

"I bet these could handle a few zombie waves. If we built a tower to snipe the zombies from, it could definitely last. Plus the garden we planted has started to grow. Once the little chickens start laying eggs it will be great." Mochou couldn't help but think as he passed the little chicken coop.

After circling the small yard twice Mochou set his sights elsewhere. Mochou grabbed the ax before pushing open the new heavy thick gate they had installed.

"Yichen won't be angry with me if I don't wander too deep, right Little Grape?" He said as he patted his flat stomach. He then walked over to the forest and began scavenging for usable wood.


Yichen walked into the village clinic. Sitting at a table with a pestle and mortar was an old man. His back hunched forward and deep wrinkles on his face. At first glance Yichen imagined him to be an ornery old man but the moment he saw Yichen enter he looked up and his frown transformed into a kind smile.

"Doctor Yen, I'm Yichen. My father must have spoken to you regarding my apprenticeship."

"Yichen? You must be Yi Peng's son. I heard you were taught by his brother Zhi Peng. Your uncle Zhi Peng and I did our apprenticeship together. He was always amazing but hated the idea of staying in one place. How is he? Has he finally settled down somewhere?..."

Once Doctor Yen started talking he never stopped. Even when he asked questions he neglected to give Yichen a chance to answer. The only thing Yichen could do was listen.

"...Hahaha! There was a time I wished I could travel the country with him. That is until I found my wife. Marrying her has been the greatest adventure of my lifetime. Your father told me about your marriage. How is it? Do you regret choosing marriage over a life traveling with your uncle? Your spouse is Bo Chen's GER Mochou, if I'm not mistake . That child has had a terrible life. His family lives down the street from my home. I was constantly hearing them beat on that poor child. I did my best to patch him up but that damn Bo Chen and his wife barely gave him time to heal..."

Hearing about Mochou's past left Yichen feeling terrible. He was glad to know the doctor had tried to help him. However it was little comfort when he heard how bad it was for Mochou.

"...How is he? Is he better? I tried my best but my best left him with those terrible scars. I made medicinal salves to help with the scaring but the result is still too terrible for words. My wife would bring him food and medicine over the years but the older he got the more withdrawn and fearful he became. It's been years since we last saw him. I'm glad he has found someone to marry. Do you treat him well?..."

Yichen was feeling better about working for the doctor. He was a little curious why Mochou never mentioned his relationship with him. It was strange but thinking about it some more he remembered that Mochou never really talked about his past and he never asked him about it.

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