A dwarf in hobbit's clothing - Part 3 - Fili x Kili x Reader

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Gandalf couldn't help but chuckle to himself, when the hobbit had come running along, with the contract flailing behind him calling out that he had signed it. Nor could he stop himself from smiling, when Bilbo was "helped" onto one of the ponies by Fili and Kili, despite the hobbit's insistence that he would be fine and had done his fair share of walking holidays, and had even got as far as Frogmorton, once. The wizard sure that some of his amusement was down to relief that their burglar hadn't let him down; not that he had expected him not to. Not when (Y/n) was already riding with them; because wherever one Baggins went, the other was sure to be close behind. For even though they did not share the same blood, even though (Y/n) was really a dwarf, she and Bilbo were still as close as any true siblings. And now, after receiving his purse of coins, all he could do was watch as the pair rode side by side, (Y/n) doing her best to teach her brother how to hold the reins properly, as the Company wound their way through the trees, towards the borders of the Shire.

"How come she rides so well, but her........brother, looks like he has never ridden in his life?" A voice suddenly enquired. Gandalf turning to see that the two princes had moved their horses to join him.

"That is because Bilbo has not. Most hobbits have never ridden and have no desire to. Most will never leave the Shire, therefore have no need for a pony; but (Y/n) is a metalsmith and takes her work to and from Bree, so............"

"She is a metalsmith. Who trained her. What does she make?" Kili asked, not sure whether to be surprised, or not. And not sure whether he should dare ask any questions about her, just in case she overheard; both princes already sure that they had never met a more fearsome dwarrowdam in their lives. And had certainly never met one that would talk to their uncle the way that she had, the night before.

"As far as I know, (Y/n) is self-taught. Despite her desire to deny anything and everything about her true lineage, she cannot escape those abilities that seem to naturally flow through the blood of all dwarves. And I believe that she can turn her hand to many things. I have heard that her jewellery is in high demand by any lady that can afford her craftsmanship; and her daggers are much sought after and prized by all those that have one..........." Gandalf explained. Fili and Kili glancing at one another, before looking over to where the two Baggins, rode side by side.

None of the dwarves had spoken to her after she had signed the contract the night before; not that they hadn't wanted to; she was a handsome dwarrowdam.....no, not handsome.........beautiful. Her hobbit attire, revealing that not only did she have the most wonderfully ample and rounded buttocks and breasts; but also, a waist that most of the males present, were sure they would happily place their arms around so that they could pull her close. Not that any of them would dare to do that. Even Dwalin seeming to shy away from the fierce glare that she had given them, before making her way to her bedroom. The interaction that she had had with Thorin, not making her too friendly when it came to the rest of them, either. Yet that did not mean that they were not interested in finding out more about the female that was riding with them.

"Do you know whom her real parents might be? I cannot believe that any dwarf mother would leave her child to the elements." Fili asked. His, Kili's and everyone else's attentions, seemingly apart from their uncles, caught, as she suddenly laughed at something Bilbo must have said. The sound, as sweet as the bird's song that came from the branches above them. It so gentle, that most were sure that it could not have come from the fiery female that was still choosing to ignore them; seemingly hoping that if she did so for long enough, they would all disappear.

"I do not know. Nor do I know why a mother would leave her child like that. As I told Thorin, no dwarves had been seen in or around Bree, before Bilbo's father found her. All I do know is that she is as closely connected to the Mountain as your own line; that is why, and despite what she or your uncle might want, (Y/n) has to come." The wizard continued, shaking his head, as he saw the furtive looks that the vast majority of the Company were giving her; Gandalf sure that the glances were not just due to the fact that female dwarves were a rare thing, nor that for a dwarrowdam, she was an exceptionally pretty one; no, it was more due to the fact that they could still not believe that she had not only described the son of Thráin, son of Thrór, as an orc faced pig's arse; but had also nearly come to blows with the one that would be King under the Mountain. The wizard not sure whether it would be Thorin or (Y/n) that would come around first; Gandalf already positive that the pair were as stubborn as one another. That it would take a lot for him to prove to her, let alone to Thorin, that she was not only important, but needed for the success of this quest; yet at least she was with them, she had signed the contract, so that was half the battle won. The wizard sure that for the other part, all he would have to do, was let the dwarves work their charms on her. And as Bofur slowed his pony so that he could come to (Y/n)'s side; Fili and Kili looking at one another, before geeing on their own mounts, so that they too could also join the pair from the Shire, he couldn't help but think that perhaps the second part of the battle had just begun. 

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