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"I am immensely disappointed in you, this isn't how I raised you, what have you lacked? I thought we were over this. Were are the promises you laid? Your characters make me feel as though I failed as a mother, what wrong have I done for you to lead such a life? Talk to me Hisham, don't just stand there, what if I had lost you!!!" She thundered the last statement bursting into a new set of tears.

His mother just knows the right buttons to press, her words pierce into his heart as though an arrow was being shot.

She has been giving him the silent treatment ever since he woke up, and up till now that he has gotten a lot better. Each of her words was making him regret his actions but then deep down he prefers death over this Dunya.

It was exactly how Kaka reacted and said when she found out about his wrongdoings and how he treated Naeem.

"Don't just stand there, speak! Tell me, what do you want me to do for you to change your ways? Believe me, I would if it means getting my kid back, this isn't the you" She kept mute for a second swallowing back another set of tears. "I don't know who you are anymore Hisham. You're my only son, you think losing you doesn't scare me?"

She lets out a weary laugh. "Why am I wasting my spit and blabbering, it's nonsense I'm saying, very sure it's entering and passing out at the same time. Unless you pick yourself up and get your life back together then forget you have me, your mother" she turns away stopping him from getting a hold of her.

"M-mu" his tune lased with utmost regret.

"Get out of my sight" she orders with finality.

He sucked in a breath nodding as though she could see him. He understands that she's mad and for sure she's not coming around anytime soon.

He turns on his shoe walking to the door with a heavy heart.

"Your wife is awake, we leave tonight"

His steps seize digesting her words. For a moment there he forgot that he was married not to talk of her health condition.

How does he begin to fix shattered pieces of glass(that's how his life is) it's impossible what's broken can never return to its initial state but could be mended.

By who?

No one would be willing to stick around not after how messed up he is, it'll be selfish of him to drag Farha into it. If he must, then he has to begin clearing up.

He so badly want to have someone that would relate to his misery and heal together yet there was none. His Kaka was the closest person to him, she was always his pillar of support, his world came crashing down the day he lost him, he was forced to face the harsh reality and it hurts so much to know he is the cause of it all If he had only been responsible.

He barged into his lodge heaving out harsh breaths just in time his eye coming in contact with his fathers.

His fist clenched with nearly contained rage, he despises the site of Sarki, he's the root cause of all this yet Hisham had to carry on the burden.

"Come have a seat, I would like to hav—"

He cuts him off, "OUT! You've caused enough"

Sarki is used to Hisham's attitude towards him but what he fails to understand is the anger his son had contained, what for?

"I'm your father!"

"WAS! DON'T! Don't you dare tag yourself as that"


He takes steps closer to Sarki leaving just an inch of step. He leaned forward, "Don't think I don't know of your ways, leave before I do something we'd both regret"

Sarki couldn't be more frightened than he already was, right there he knew he had lost his son for sure. He gathers the remaining shame left in him walking out with cold feet.

He let the water wash over the stress off his muscles, his stare dropping on his reflection. He took a minute to assess himself, even though he couldn't depict who was, but certainly, a lot has changed he may have not noticed all this while but he is now.

And for the first time in forever the almighty Yarima let down a tear, a tear that he didn't let loose since that very day he met Zarahau the woman that made him who he was.

The thought of her makes anger bile up, he regrets every second, minute, day, week, month and year he shared with her. If only he didn't keep her around as he dim then maybe just maybe, his life would have been on the right path, he wouldn't have made bad choices and decisions that he'd spend the rest of his life regretting afterward.

For Kaka, Naeem, and more especially his mother he has never felt determined to pick himself back up, it may be as hard but nothing is beyond his capacity In Shaa Allah, only then would he consider having Farha around.

He heard from Hamza about the current situation, just when one problem has been cleared another one pops in. He made a mental note to look into the incident that happened back then when he first met Khayr the fateful night plus the one that occurred weeks ago, something tells him they're both connected.

But who was she?

And where is she?

Who would be after her life? And why? The curiosity in him ate him up, he turned glancing at his mum's side that sat a few seats away from him, his eyes drop, taking his eyes off.

They were on their way back home, and the environment felt uneasy and uncomfortable for all of them plus there were still a few hours left. He opened up the MacBook diving into a dozen of unanswered emails but there was a certain one that cut his attention.

Hey big guy,

I thought to write to you and let you know that your lovey is back and for good this time. What do you say we set a meet-up and rekindle some good old memories? Let me on, on time, date, and venue.

Baby doll.

He fought back the urge to trash the MacBook.


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