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Hey guys! I've decided to change it to 3rd person's pov, hope you don't mind...

There are some certain things that happen in life, that neither do you see coming nor could you stop. Just like a blur it's been exactly two weeks since the wedding. Farha had no plans in getting married but as said; anything can happen in a blink of an eye with or without your consent.

Honestly the last time she set her eyes on her so called husband was since their wedding night. She heard from the cook Mama Asabe that he left for a business trip. Farha felt disrespected by the fact that he couldn't at least inform her about it. 

They both came to the agreement to take things slow and start up as friends, so then what happened? Friends tell each other things.

A lone tear unknowingly slipped on her phone screen. Why did Abba suddenly decide to get her married? Was she a burden to him? 

These questions kept her awake every night cause she couldn't seem to figure out the answers.

She drops the phone wiping off her tears. It really hurts that she has to spend the rest of her life, tied down into a loveless marriage. Luckily school resume tomorrow. At least school could help take things off her mind.

The booming of her phone compele her to retrieve back the phone from the bed side table. She glanced at the caller ID and to her utmost surprise it's Rahma. Her mood suddenly lit up seeing as it is her best friend calling. Talking about her best friend; Farha and Rahma have been friends since childhood.

During all the wedding occasion Rahma didn't attend any. It sadden Farha that her best friend wasn't present. Farha did try reaching out to her countless of times but to her utter dismay it didn't get through to her so she gave up. So seeing Rahma's call today did make her feel better.

Farha exhale a deep sigh, then hit the answer button. *Salam Alaikum! To the world's greatest best friend* One could sense her words soaked with sarcasm.

Rahma let's out a weary laugh. *Look I'm sorry Farha! But I have my reasons* She defends.

*Care to explain then?*

*I'm sorry Farha I can't say* She answers making Farha's heart clenching a bit. Since when did they start hiding secrets from each other? Not feeling the need to ask any further Farha let it slide.

They spent a few more minutes talking before the calling session ended but not before promising to meet up tomorrow after their afternoon lectures.

Farha glances at the wall clock, 9:45pm. Her tummy growls causing her to groan in annoyance. She felt to lazy to get up but what could she do after all she's hungry.

She gets up and walk downstairs. No matter how many times she walks around the house she never gets tired of ogling. The house is indeed the exact definition of elegance. It isn't just huge, it's also a sight to behold. God knows the money that was spent on it.

Just as she got to the kitchen she opened up the fridge and luckily there is some leftover of Shepard pie she made earlier in the afternoon.

She warms it in the microwave assembling everything on the plate. She seats her butt on the counter diving into her food.

Taking the last spoon of her food she mutters an Alhamdullilah before making her way to the dishes. She is done cleaning up the kitchen and took a last glance at it then switch off the lights making her way out.

She collides hard onto a broad chest mumbling an Ouch! Is he human or what? His cologne hits her nostrils forcing her to suck a harsh breath. She takes a step back rubbing her forehead. She set her eyes open wanting to take a view at him.

Menh! Furthermore she never knew she had a Greek god as a husband. This man standing right here is what one could call perfection, well not absolute perfection but Hisham is Man. His dark brown eyes were narrowed at her making her shiver a bit. She had to fight back the urge to run her hands through his rough curly hair that is drenched with water meaning he might have just finished taking a shower.

Her eyes flickered to his sharp jawline which was to clench, then it hit her; he's angry. She is quick to look away all of a sudden feeling embarrassed that he caught her checking him out.

She didn't really pay much attention to his handsomeness during all the wedding session but today she knows for a fact that her so-called husband is Hakuna Matata.

His face showed no emotions. He sends a hard glare which immediately made her lower her gaze. But wait! Why is he angry? If he is also against this marriage, then why did he agree? As it is, he doesn't seem like someone who would agree to do anything against his will.

He walks pass her with barely contained anger, leaving her to her thoughts.

"Hisham" She calls out turning back to face him. Farha wanted to have a word with him for leaving without her knowing. It was very rude of him to do that so she needs to give him an earful.

She folds her hands to her chest sending him a playful glare. "I need to have a word with you Mister"

He still didn't say a word to her and continued to gulp down his water.

"Hello! I'm talking to you"

He placed he bottle back into the fridge walking towards her but not giving her a glance. Farha got a hold of his right hand stopping him.

"Are you okay?"

He harshly reclaims his hand walking away.

Something must definitely be up with him. Maybe he's having a bad day or so...

She gathers the remaining courage left in her and walk herself back to her room knowing better than to ask him all the questions that bothered her.

Whatever it is that is bothering him she prays Allah eases it for him...


Who thinks Hisham is having a bad day?😂 Not me😆

Poor Farha! She don't gerrittt.

I hope I update soon😩


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