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Today marks the day the wedding events will be commencing. The past one and a half weeks have been hectic for both the bride and her friends.

They had to see to that the bride gets the most memorable moments of her wedding after all she deserves it.

Suhana, Hibba, Farha, Layla, and Amal; Jannah's maternal cousin worked for hand in hand throw  Jannah a surprise bridal shower.
It wasn't easy but they manage to pull it off making sure Jannah doesn't get a clue of what's going on.

It's almost 8 PM but Suhana and Jannah are nowhere to be seen. Hibba and Amal were responsible for inviting a few close friends and relatives of the bride that are not up to fifty I think. It is a small and tight-off occasion.

Farha and Layla had the best decorators hired and honestly, you could tell by how beautiful the place looked. Though Layla did most of the instructing while Farha focused more on the caterers.

All in all, they all did a great job.

"Where are they?" Hibba hissed impatiently stamping her feet. Hibba and patience, they seem to not get along.

Just in time, Suhana's Message came through notifying their arrival. All lights went off everyone made sure to take cover.

"You realize if Mama finds me gone I'm dead, right?" Jannah complained for the umpteenth time causing Suhana to shoot her a glare.

"Shut up and follow me" She orders walking away with Jannah following suit.

"For the love of God, tell me why we're here?" Her curiosity is getting the better of her. Don't blame her though, Suhana was kidnapped, well not kidnap but she'd preferably refer to it as that.

She has been bugging her to tell her where they're heading to and why? This is getting fishing honestly and scary at the same time.

"Lemme ask you"

"Uhm! Go on" Jannah ushers folding her hands to her chest.

"Haven't you ever heard of a word, ZIP IT!" She fires proceeding to the house once again.

The event is taking place at Suhana's paternal aunt's house, seeing as her aunt went on a vacation with her husband and kids she called and asked for permission to which she agreed. They didn't want to rent a hall, they all must be dressed in their nights which would be very appropriate if any of the photos leak to the media.

Jannah rolls her eyes deciding to not say a word again since she chose not to tell her. She shivers in cold looking around for any sign of a living being, cox she's only in her silk lingerie that is past her knees a little.

If Hammad sees her out like this, she would most definitely not hear the end of it. You must know he's very protective of her, and by her she means; everything that has to do with her.

She could remember the other day, during the surprise graduation party he threw for her, ugh! Isn't he the sweetest? Lol! As she was saying, he almost got into a fight with Raihan just cox she hugged him. It wasn't even Raihan's fault but he chose to lash out at him.

Yes! He's her brother but not biological. Their fathers are brothers. Raihan's parents passed away a year before Jannah was born due to a car accident, he was only four then.

So you could say the Duo grew up together. Jannah only got to find out during the whole Nawal and Raihan relationship thingy! The girl threatened her to stay away from Raihan, the guts! Nawal was insecure about their relationship so it was only fair that she warned Jannah.

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