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Happy New year guys!✨🥂🎉💃

Her orbs went round as she inhale a harsh breath struggling to digest the fact that he is right in front of her and with a squint of an eye she has him tackled in a bone-crushing hug.

She is supposed to be mad at him but she couldn't help it. Farha wanted him thereafter and before Abba announced her wedding with Yarima. She sure knows that he will at least try talking Abba out of it, though it's not hard to have Abba go back on his words.

On the other side, Salim couldn't be in presence of having his sister married out Yarima not after what had happened.

What happened? Curious huh!? Well, that's a story for another day...

He used handling his father's business in Ukraine as an excuse not to come home.

"I've missed you so much Yaya" She didn't hold back the sob that slipped snuggle more into her brother's warmth. The last time she saw him was four months ago and it feels like it's been forever.

He ran his hands on her back letting out a guilt-felt sigh. He sure is responsible for whatever happens to her, he hopes Yarima to not be stupid by repeating the same mistake.

"I'm sorry little one" He found himself uttering. Sorry for what? For not preventing the wedding from taking place? For not being there? For having Farha sign her life away?

He couldn't say what exactly he is apologizing for.

Farha finally pulled herself together stepping out of his embrace. "Why are you here? I thought work was more important"

He chuckled at her sudden change, though as if she wasn't the one gulled to him a minute ago.

"You know that's not true." He defends earning a scoff.

"Well then, what is?"

He's in for it, that he knows. Getting Farha to let this slide would not be easy, it takes a lot of bribing.

"Rosey help him with some refreshments" Farha ordered a passing by figure to which she nods before making her way to the kitchen.

He sat down on the couch adjacent to Farhas'. "I see you're getting comfortable"

"Don't try to change the topic, not gonna work this time" She drawled sending him a glare.

"Okay. I'm sorry" He rose his hands in surrender.


He mentally faces palmed himself, fighting back the annoyance cox he knew better than displaying that emotion, especially since he's the one at fault.

See that's it with Salim, only Farha had her way with him and gets out scot-free. Most times Salim is short-tempered and certainly not confiding.



"I admit my mistake for that I'm sorry. I'm ready to make up for it, anything it takes" Salim implored.

She shot him a quick glance hurriedly taking her gaze away just in time an idea popped into her head. "Anything?"

He nods regretting it afterward. Salim knew Farha doesn't usually seek favors constantly but when she does, oh man! Trust me you do not wanna know.

"Anything" he confirmed.

"Okay. You owe me one"


"When the time comes"

He breaths out a tiring sigh. He arrived in Nigeria a few hours ago and decided to take the flight to Abuja from Lagos instead of Bauchi just so he could visit his little one. He's famished, he didn't have anything to eat on the plane as he's not a fan of the plane food, for some reason, it grosses him out.

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