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"I'm exhausted" She screeched for the umpteenth time adjust her clutch on the book. The blazing sun add to her tiredness not to forget the three hours lecture that luckily ended now.

Raihan huffed out a chuckle nudging her. "Lazy a**" he mumbles.

"I heard that"

He shrugs, "Whatever" earning a glare, his lips curving into a smirk.

The long silent drive ended when he took the next turn instead of the latter. Her brows draw into confusion, he flicker his gaze to her before returning it to the street.

"Relax, I'm not gonna sell you or something"

"Yeah I never said that, and where are we heading to?"

"If you quit asking questions and be a little bit patient, then you'll see"

She shoots him a glare. "I don't know if you've noticed, it's almost maghrib fah"

"Why? Do you have something to do ne?"

"Husband. Yeah I happen to have one that I have to cook for before he gets back" She states as though she means it.

She smiles to the act she's committing lately. Farha now finds pleasure in disturbing the living daylight out of Hisham.


"We're here"

"Where exactly is this place?"

She scan her stare around, the environment seemed familiar but she couldn't depict if and when she's been here.

Farha was so busy admiring the place that she didn't notice him walk so further apart. Letting out a groan she tailed behind mumbling curses in hush tunes.

He stopped a few feet away from the garden. He's not sure he's ready for this, now he's having second thoughts after mustering enough courage to tell her, all that slide in vain.


"Let's just head back"

"What!" She snapped in irksome.

"It's getting late as you said, so let's just get going"

"No mister. Now you don't get to bring me here for no reason so before I get more pissed than I am, better start doing some explaining"

"You are cute, has anyone ever told you that?"



"Less flirting more explaining, now!" She demands folding her hands to her chest.

"It's gett---"

"I am not kidding"

He groans shutting his eyes for a sec. What now? Ugh! As the coward he claims to be, he turns on his shoe heading for the car.

He waited for her to come but he knew how bull-headed she tends to be and of course the last thing should do is tag along not after what just happened, so he drove off leaving her behind.

He hates that he has to be apart of this but the only way out of it is being part of it and it's one of the hardest decision he had to make.

But, The heart wants what it wants...

Could this day get any worse? She hiss dreadfully walking ahead.

By the time she's done with Raihan she'll make sure he thinks twice before pulling a stunts like todays'

She's lost she's sure of that but she kept walking sluggishly praying for a way out of this dead environment. Not even a single car not to talk of an actual person.

She sights a figure from afar mumbling a hamdallah gathering the remaining energy in stored heading towards the person.

Her eyes widened in fright her steps coming to a halt. A bad idea a very bad one. She turns on her loafer just to come in contact with a hard surface.

She let's out a scream her tear gland realising the waterfall.

He held on her mouth, shushing her. "Hey! Easy there"

Her heart rate escalated, her nostrils running short of air, before everything went blank.


She woke up in an unusual environment. She clutches the blanket to her naked chest letting the tears stream.

Ya illah!

No, no, no please let it not be. It can't be, how did this happen? When and why? How could she let this happen? Ya illah! Why her?

Her muffled cries now turned audible just in time the door clicked open causing her to pause.

"I see, you're finally awake" he dips his hand into his pocket making his way towards her.

"Why?" It slipped out of her mouth, clearing her teared-up vision to have a clearer view.

"Why what exactly? Don't blame this on me, you also had fun just as I did. So the least you could say is a thank you, I mean I've pleased you just the way you should be unlike your insolent husband." He sneered seating his but down on the bed.

She moved her numb knees to her chest shivering in fear.

He chuckle to her act, "Is almost as though you aren't the same person that was dying for my touch just a few hours ago" he laughed audible. "C'mon now, let's get you cleaned up"

"Don't touch me" it came out as a faint whisper.

He raises his hands in the air. "Fine, get dressed I'll drop you off"

"Who are you?"

"Someone seems to be interested, not to worry babe story for another day. When next we meet as for now," he placed a kiss on her forehead, "Take care of what's mine." He walked out.

Farha chanted dua's unable to digest what and how it all happened, this can't be true. It's a dream, yeah! It has to be.

Her eyes bolted open along with a wail. Her gaze fell on Hisham which held a concerned expression.

She fell to his embrace letting her emotions over power how. Ya Allah what sort of nightmare is that,

"Hisham" She stutters clasping tight to his shirt.

"Shhh! It's just a dream" he mumbles to her hearing, running his hands on her back.

Her light snores compelled him to lay her down, making sure to blow Dua's before pulling the blanket over her.

He turned to leave but stopped, placing a kiss on her forehead.

She reminds him so much of her, he clench on his fist exhaling a sigh.


Hufff! For a second there I was freaked out too😂💔 kaii! I mean, wai🤧 I don't even know how to put it😂

Can yh guys believe I'm suppose to be studying but I'm here writing, as I always say I tend to be unserious most times abeg pray for yh girlllll😩🤧😂

Aight! Drop your thoughts it's the least you can do😑


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