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It's a day to Sarauniya's departure, she made sure to organize a get together with the others; Abubakar, Hibba, Hamza, Suhana, Hammad, Jannah, Asiya, Muhammad, and Layla at Hisham's gazebo, it's been a while since she's met then all.

Farha didn't say a word to Sarauniya about the Slap coz it'll only make her a weak snitch that couldn't stand up for herself. He certainly had no right to slap her, but he did and what did she do? Nothing.

She's a coward, no woman should let her Husband get abusive with her not even her. The thing is she was too taken aback to react. Farha could swear she saw sudden regret just after he slapped her but he was quick to mask it off.

Hisham on the other hand ignored her presence. He didn't even look her way or is it he's too ashamed to look her in the eyes? Certainly not. He didn't have the nerve to apologize, his ego always had the upper hand.

He promised her that he'd never lay a hand on a woman, at least not again but then Farha is making it very hard for him. She doesn't get that he hates the mere idea of women, anything that had females included, count him in. She can't seem to digest the fact that he doesn't want her, or any other woman.

He wished she is alive. It hurts him that she died because of him, his Grandma left him coz he was way too ignorant, selfish, and stupid.

No one could tell what weight he has on his shoulder, no one and it's best it remains like that. As it is, it was only his Grandma that knew just what a scandalous Muslim he is.

His past, present, and surely his future is way too dark and heinous to be forgiven. The least he could do for Farha is not pull her into his shell, coz if he did, she won't hesitate to walk away.

It's best to stay distant than to get attached and end up more broken than he already is. Hisham is redundantly wrecked beyond rehabilitation.

He always questions his Lord to as why he took Grandma instead of him. The poor woman didn't deserve to go but he did, he deserves far worst than death, Jahannam is meant for people like him and he knew that.

He doesn't warrant forgiveness, not from anyone and especially not from his Lord.


The females worked hand in hand in making the get-together eventful. They've been running marathons since12 PM with the males helping here and there. Sarauniya made sure to have her eyes on Hisham to see to he doesn't get out of sight.

She specifically warned him to not step a foot out of the house making sure to use her only trick; threatening or blackmail.

By Asr, they all had everything in place. For the females that aren't off Salah, they made sure to offer their Salah while the guys head to the mosque.

It makes Sarauniya please to see her kids all together having a blast, it brought back a lot of delightful yet sore memories. She's certain they don't get to do this frequently, it's the least she could do for Grandma.

The poor woman never failed to warn them of sticking together through thick and thin. Being there for one another in good and in bad times regardless of their difference. She prayed till her last breath against a day that one of them departs his way living the other.

The closest to Grandma is Hisham, he inherited a lot from her, be it habits or looks must be why he is her favorite. Sarauniya knew a part of her son died the day Grandma left to her Lord.

She gets too hard on Hisham most times yeah she knows that but Sarauniya is only doing it for his good. The guy had no regard for himself; happiness, health, or wealth, it's always her and no one but her.

Sarki, that's a topic she doesn't want to get started with. She fails to understand what is it that is between Yarima and his father, she's been kept in the dark for quite too long.

"Adda why are you avoiding me?" Layla inquires finally getting an alone time with Farha.

Right. Farha is avoiding her but she didn't know she is making it too obvious.

"I'm not layl"

"Yes, you are."

Farha sighs opening the cupboard to get the plastic cups for the kids. They are currently in the kitchen while the rest are outside chitchatting. Farha offered to get the cups for the kids and Layla just had to follow suit.

"Is he treating you ineptly?" Layla couldn't help but ask.

Farha stop to her question."We talked about this"

"Please Adda talks to me, let me be here for you. I'm willing to hear you out, at least since no one knows about this" Layla persisted.


"Adda please."

Farha sighed in defeat her eyes swimming in tears. F*ck you karma for wrongly committing something she can't remember.

Weak! This is utterly ridiculous.


"Get out!" She demands sucking in the tear.


"GET OUT!!!" She thundered, Layla trembles to her tone giving her a nod in approval to her demand.

"I'm sorry" With that, she walked out just in time the waterfalls came woman.

Farha stood by the sink crying the little she could coz her situation could make her cry a bucket.

"What's with the tears?"

His voice stiffened her to the spot she stood. She use the hem of her hijab hurriedly wiping off the tears. Hisham just happened to show up right when he shouldn't.

Very bad timing.

And it's not like he makes her feel any better but rather adds salts to her wound. She hates her life, literally.

She turns back walking and grabbing the cups from the counter, head right for the door where he stood.

She's in no state to entertain his games right now, she's had enough of today.

He caught hold of her waist stopping her from taking any step further. She sucks in a harsh breath feeling his burning touch on her.

"Let me go"

"Don't make me ask again"

"Please Hisham, just let me be" She sobbed. "At least just for today and you can proceed to make me more miserable as already am"

His eyes soften curiously about who or what upset her.

"Please" the loan tear that slipped caught his gaze urging his scowl screw to care.

Weird huh!

He collected the tray away from her dropping it on the counter, taking her by surprise. Yeah! He had her placed to his broad chest.

She won't lie it's the safest she's ever felt. Who thought the person that could carry around so much anger for her, has this advantage over her. She stood glued to her spot struggling to digest what just happened.

She couldn't tell how or when she wrapped her hand around him, letting the tears stream.

She hates that he could make her feel scared, angere,d and yet again safe. How is that even possible, with so much he has done to her, how could he still make her feel a little bit better.

For once she felt a bit of something she couldn't quite depict.


It's definitely not love.


Triple update 😌 woahhhh! Who's d best, I am😏😌😂

Shaa shey u see my bby get heart bh😒 so stop insulting Yarima ooooo.

What do you say about triple updates every day? Yay or nay?

See their mouth like Yay, be commenting and voting jorrr😂💔 and I'll be flooding you with updates 😌


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