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It's been a week since Sarauniya's departure. They resume their usual actives, with Hisham being distant and Farha trying as much as possible not to cross paths with. After that little show that happened in the kitchen the other, she couldn't muster up the courage to look at him talkess of saying a word to him.

Hisham on the other hand acted as nothing happened. He didn't hug her because he wanted to but felt the need to all of the sudden and he doesn't regret it.

Just hoping she didn't get the wrong impression.

Schoolwork has drained the living daylight out of her, she had a lot to research and pending projects. Thanks to Raihan for keeping her sanity intact as she's almost losing it but with his support and assistance, things are less tiring.

True to her words, Raihan bombarded her with multiple questions of her absence not to forget how skinny she got. Thanks to the concealer she applies, he'd surely notice the bruises.

Yeah! Raihan is very observant...

All in all the week was hectic.

Farha sighed for the umpteenth time, groaning in annoyance.  It's 8 PM and still no sign of a taxi, she's starting to regret rejecting Raihan's offer to take her home.

She stayed in school to finish up her project in the library for some reason. After their 4-6 class, Raihan left after she struggle to convince him that she had everything under control which clearly she didn't.

"Salam Alaikum" Her heart skip to the sound of the modulated husky voice of the man shutting her eyes for a second.

This is exactly what happens to people who reject their friend's offer.

Oh, Raihan.

She turns to have a look at the person mentally mumbling a Dua. Just as she thought it was some guy clad in a white Kaftan with his Zanna Bakura cap that sat elegantly.

He seemed familiar but she couldn't pick out where exactly she saw him.

"Hey" he waved his hands bouncing out of her revive.

She gulps down a numb. "Do I know you"

He chuckled in the most alluring sense that caught her attention. "If you don't mind, can I give you a ride? You've been standing here for too long, it'll be rude of me to leave a pretty lady all by herself"

She rolled her eyes fighting back a hiss. "It doesn't work on me"

"What's that?"

"The pickup lines"

He laughed as if it was the funniest thing he has ever heard clutching to his Tommy. Okay, he's starting to agitate her.

"C'mon miss, this is me being a gentleman that I am" he persisted.

"Gentle you say?"

He nods.

"Look here, I'm not trying to be rude or anything but for Allah's sake, I don't your help. Thank you so much for your offer" She walked off having him take her behind.

"I mean no harm, please let me help" He insist.

What's up with him? Can't he comprehend a simple no?




He sighed in defeat. "Fine" he turned on his shoe just in time a bark echoed making her heart summersault a million times in fear.

Dogs. Hell no! Could this day get any worse?

"Let's go" she agreed fastening her steps to his car that parked just a few meters away.

He doesn't know what changed her mind but he's glad luck decided to be on his side at least for today.

They both settled in the car before he zoomed off to the required destination.

"I'm Fahad by the way" he introduce to which she ignored.

Farha has her gaze plaster to the tinted window as she mumbles numerous Dua's. She doesn't get good vibes around him, he seems weirdly odd, something is just not right.

"What now? Ignoring me is your plan?"


Doesn't he get that she doesn't want to speak to him? Ugh! He's just irritated and tends to joke around a lot, which she doesn't find funny one bit.


Her gaze flicker back to him shocked to as how he knew her name.

He beat on his lower lips wishing he could take back what he just said.

"Don't be surprised" he brushed off.

Something is shady.

"Stalker much"

He weirdly laughed it off, keeping shot at last.

After what felt like forever, h parked a few meters away from the security per Farha's demand.

"Thank you" she mumbled coming down.

"I guess I'll see you around" he winked a lopsided grin dancing on his ever so charming yet talkative lips.

She shakes her head. "No you won't" with that she walked off before he could reply.

He's very creepy, too weird for her liking.

He watched as she disappeared from his view, huffing out a deep breath. His jaw hurt due to the fake smiles he's had all along, can't write to remember the last he smiled as much.

He dialed her number placing the phone on his right air as it rang just in time the other person answered.

*So?* The other person on the line inquires in hope of good news.

*It's going to be harder than I thought* he admits taking his cap off.

She hissed. *Lay low, for now, do not mess things up for me*

He caught off the call in exhaustion driving off. He prays things to go as planned, he isn't backing down not till he gets to the whole Arabs.


"You've grown so wings, haven't you?" He tattled taking a sip from his coffee mug.

Right! Hisham just had to get back early today, why? Coz luck is never on her side.

"I was studying" she defends still glued to her spot.

He scoffed. "Right! Tell that to someone stupid"

"Believe me"

"Believe you?"

She nods knowing very well he'll not but it doesn't hurt to seek now does it?

"You seriously think I could ever do that? I don't go around trusting people especially not the female species" he slurred getting up from the couch.

"Don't get the wrong impression, I certainly do not care what goes ar" With that, he walked off leaving feeling insulted.

He must have thought she was with someone. What is she? insane? She's wise and steadfast on her Deen enough to stoop so low but guess what people, His Royal Highness would never do that.

She ran a bath taking the leftover of the lasagna she made yesterday, before retiring for the night.

Sighs! What a day.


Yesssso! I don start 😌

Oya lemme be going 🙂



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