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The sound of the doorbell urged her to squeal in excitement, she swayed her hips smiling in contentment heading to the door.

Rahama is spending the weekend with her thinking about the fun their going to have is an understatement. it's been a while, they needed a whole lotta time if it was up to Farha, maybe a month, lol!

They needed to catch up and rebound it's been like forever. She misses her best friend enough to want to spend that much time with her even though she tends to be a pain in the ass most times, but she still loves her either way.

She wrapped her arms around Rahama who had just as much zeal, light yelps slipping from their lips.

Such a sight to behold.

Almost as though it's their first time seeing it.

"Are you crying?" Rahama teases earning a smack.

"Idiot. I miss you that much" She admits wiping off the tear.

Rahama once again offered her a quick hug. "Now that I'm here, let the boat of rekindling memories sail"

Farha lets out a laugh as they proceed into the house. She showed her to her room where Rahama would be staying, Rosey suggested she lodge her into one of the guest rooms.

If she's going to spend the weekend with her bestie then she'd make the best of it, so the idea of parting rooms is disregarded.

"Are you sure you don't mind me staying here?" Rahama inquires.

Farha shot her a glare in response.

She chuckles. "Okay"


He paced back and mumbled curses underneath his breath. He can't have her risk his secret, it's not something he's ready to deal with at the moment.

How did she end up in his house, to begin with? Forget the fact that she's his wife's best girl, who lets a friend stay for the weekend at her matrimonial home?

Why does Farha have to be so naive and gullible, ugh! It still baffles him how his past keeps applying to his present, he thought it ended the day she departed.

There's a whole more to it and right now is not something he's looking forward to. One thing that needs to be done is getting Rahama to shut up not that he's not capable of it, but she tends to be bull-headed more especially since she wants something from him that he would rather feed himself to wolfs than give in to her order.

A massive migraine set him dizzy making him clutch onto his temples groaning in pain. A drop of blood slipped its way out from his nose, he walked to his shelf with great difficulty, grabbing his pills.

He didn't waste time gulping them down, settling down on the nearest couch. He pulled out his phone from his pockets dialing Hamza's number.

He cut the call just as he picked up. It didn't take Hamza a minute to digest what that meant. Luckily he was around so he didn't spend much time coming to Yarima's office.

He heaved out a sigh erasing the distance between them.

"Sooner or later you're having that operation"

Hisham huffs out a scoff. "What's the point?"

"What is it?"


Hamza's fist balled by the mere mention of her name. "What did she do?"

"She's at my house"

"That's bad"

Hamza took a second to examine Yarima's tensed figure. Last time he saw him like this we're years ago probably when Kaka was on her deathbed.

"I don't want her getting involved, she's gone through enough" Hisham admits adjusting his seat.

He nods. "It's not your fau---"

He waves him off, "Don't!"

"How much do you care about her?"

"Who? Farha?"

Hamza nods in response.

"Care you say? We both know what all this is about"

"Do you think she'll forgive you?"

Will she? That's something he doesn't even want to call to mind. Forgiving him is the last thing she'd do, she may but not easily.

It's gonna be one hella of a ride.

"How much are you trying?"

He hisses in annoyance. "I try so hard to keep my cool when I'm around her, I can't, I'm not sure how, to begin with---"

"So you despise her as much?"

He shakes his head. "I don't. I can't bring myself to, her glistering eyes hunt me even after so long."

"She's an orphan"

"That's not your fault Yarima"

He laughs humorously giving Hamza the unbelievable look.

"You can change the narration"

"Easier said than done"

"You're running out of time---"

"I'm well aware of that"

Hamza gets up tapping on his shoulder, "Good. Then do the right thing" with that he made his way to the door.

"You may as well go for the other plan" he suggests stopping by the door.

"She's too good for me, I can't have her"

"Measure yourself up to her meekness"

He sends him a kinda look that compelled him out of his office.


"What's in for me?" She utters a smile craving on her lips. He shot her a disgusting look letting out a hiss.

Farha went upstairs to get something just in time Hisham came home.

Rahama liked how she had the upper hand and she's going to use that to her advantage, she won't let the opportunity slip from her hands easily, so she's utilizing it wisely.

He huffs out a sigh not wanting to let his irk-ness take place to her satisfaction. "Go on, she won't recall"

"It's only a matter of time"

He dips his hand into the pocket. "Then I guess we just have to wait" he walked pass her only for her to get a hold of his muscles.

"You don't deserve her"

"Neither do you" he snatched his hand away walking out on her.

She watches as he disappears out of view. She couldn't let him win, not this time. Not when she spent so much time building her foundation just to have him demolition.

As she said, it's just a matter of time...


As I dey update like this, u suppose fill my comment section. It's not easy to be typing through this Sallah stress🤧

Either way, watcha think Hisham did? If anyone can guess I have something for za pesin


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