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Important author's note below, ensure to read.

"What's up Rosey?" Farha asks pausing a Netflix show she is watching on her MacBook. For the past few days, Farha and Rosey have gotten a lot closer than expected.

Farha came to know Rosey is from Texas, surprising huh!? Well, Farha personally couldn't go that far away from home even now that she is, it wasn't her decision to make but a choice she didn't have.

Sarauniya got her here two years back as Hisham's nanny, lol! Funny right? Hisham didn't want the royal maids or guards anywhere near him or his home. Per his word,s they're too dramatic plus they all want to snuggle their way into the royals by cunningly luring him to their witches.

Trust issues...

Rosey is four years older than Farha but you could mistake the Duo for age mates. She grew up in a foster home moving out with her boyfriend; Mack after being clocked 18 but Mack just had to screw up to years of them beginning together by cheating with her best friend. Rosey left for the states after having to go through that and luckily got a job at Mcdonalds'.

Long story short, the poor lady went through some a patch.

"You have visitors" She announced urging Farha's left brow to raise.

She's not expecting anyone.


"Sir's sisters"

Oh shit! She scurried off the bed rushing to her closet in search of something decent to wear but not without Rosey's help. In the shot, Farha wanted to make a good impression.

She remembered the phone call she had with Layla yesterday night informing her about their visit, how could she be this forgetful, she mentally faces palmed herself.

Thank goodness she is lecture-free today or it could have been worst.

Farha with the aid of Rosey settled on a short sleeve black and white maxi dress pairing it up with a black turban before spraying her incenses.

"Thank you" She pulled Rosey into a quick hug before they both made their way downstairs.

She met with Asiyah pacing left and right with a displeased expression. "When will he ever grow up? Leaving his wife just two months after the wedding, who does that?" She spitted her gaze flickering to Farha who just came in view.

She sighs erasing the distance between them. "Oh dear, I'm so sorry on behalf of your inconsiderate husband" she surprisingly gave her a warm hug taking Farha off guard.

Maybe this isn't bad after all...

"Um... It's okay." Farha mutter as they pulled away.

"You sure? Cox, you don't look okay to me" She insisted studying Farha for a minute.

If it was up to Farha, Hisham should stay away for as long as possible. As it is, she's already had enough of his absurdity, what she needs right now is a no-Hisham environment.

Farha gave a slight nod curving her lips into a tight lip smile.

Asiyah sighed. "Okay fine. Enough about him, come and take a seat we have a lot to catch up on."

Why does he have to be the black sheep in between his sisters? They're both the opposite of her so-called husband, it made her wonder why he is different.

"Adda" Layla called walking into the parlor with a plate filled with chocolate cake that Farha and Rosey made two days ago.

Asiyah face palmed herself. "Ya Allah! Wai me ke damunki ne layl?"

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