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Her lips spread into a delightful smile, chewing gently enjoying the savory of the food. How fortunate is her son to have such a beautiful, respectful, caring, loving, and chef wife? Sarauniya knew for a fact she's made the right choice for not only her son but for her and Sarki.

They're very fortunate to have her as a daughter-in-law.

Mashed potatoes and vegetable soup is her favorite among the different varieties of food Farha has specially made for her. Though as if she Farha knew, she also made tiger-nut drink.

Sarauniya is a sucker for Kunun Aya. Farha has successfully shaped a spot in her-her heart.

"This is amazing dear" She states sending her way motherly smile.

Farha drops her gaze a slight blush creeping. "Thank you"

Sarauniya arrived earlier around 4 PM. Turns out she's leaving for the holy country in two days for her yearly Dua. Sarki couldn't come with due to some royal issues that he had to see through, it is a tradition that The family; Sarki, Sarauniya, and Yarima visit Makkah every year, not to forget they made sure to go for Hajj.

Hisham hasn't been home since morning. He sent his driver and a couple of guards to pick his mother up from the airport, making sure to warn them of how cautious they should be, his mother's safety should be their top priority as it is to him.

Sarauniya has been sparking ever since she got there, complaining about her son's insolence. She didn't know work is more important than she is to him, he has proven that today.

They waited for and eventually got tired of waiting for him to have dinner. How irresponsible is he? He has a family now, doesn't he know that? Geez! What should she do this Yarima, he's too thick-headed.

He never listens. Every sane man gets home after maghrib to be with his family, it's Sunnah. She thought she made it clear to him about his responsibilities, she thought wrong.

Farha and Sarauniya did the dishes together as they chitchat after their long meal that came with Duas and compliments from Sarauniya. They bonded quite well and fast, not as Farha thought they would.

Farha is more thankful to have such a mother inlaw. Most mother inlaws of arewa especially; from stories she heard, could be a pain in the ass getting all controlling and clingy to their sons married life.

11 PM and still no sign of Hisham. Farha won't lie, she is enjoying how Sarauniya had been ranting about Yarima's negligence and how she's going to deal with him when he gets back, that's if he does.

If only she knew that he sometimes doesn't return home, maybe she'd rip his head off.

They're currently in the parlor watching a Hausa film on arewa, with Sarauniya taking a glance at the watch every here and there, while impatiently stamping her feet.

Ouuuu! Someone's in for it, this is going to be fun. Farha mentally mumbled a Dua, hoping Hisham gets back soon. Sarauniya looked like a volcano ready to erupt.

"Does he usually stay out late?"

Farha gives her a nod, yeap! She's not covering up for him, not today. "Yes"

"What!?" She exclaimed.

"And you never thought to report him? Farha, I thought I made it clear to you the other day. I specifically told you to inform me of any displeasure you get from him. Didn't I?" She questioned holding a disappointed expression.

Oh mother-in-law, if only you knew what a psychopath you have as a son. Believe me, Hisham's presence is the last thing Farha wants, he could go away forever and ever without having to return, for all she cares.

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