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The first thing that came in sight as the bride walked in with a couple of her bridesmaids dressed in a matching maxi Carmine gown complement the bride's white Louis Vuitton dress, is the huge banner plastered above the bride and grooms special seat, that has the calligraphy of the couple names.

Each of the tables had a white cloth that has instant glam to the soiree. The flowers favor the setting of the hall. Numerous lightings from different angles of different colors embellished the foyer.

Can't help but fall in love beamed the environment, all eyes on the bride that is being guided to her groom by her babes.

Like a river flows

Surely to the sea

Darling, so it goes

Some things are meant to be

Take my hand

Take my whole life, too

For I can't help falling in love with you...

So on. Hammad has his eyes bore into Jannah making her feel wobbly messing with her new blooming emotions. A fairytale wedding, just as she wanted. Her wedding day is the most memorable part of her life, with the fact that she gets to spend the rest of her life with him, Alhamdullilah is the right word to express her gratitude.

Farha felt his harsh gaze on her but still refuse to look up, she figured he's on a quest to make her dolorous, yesterday confirmed it to her. She had her gown sowed in a cape to cover up her physique coz truth be told, just as she thought they'd be hungry eyes or rather eye rapers, so there was.

She held firm on her obsidian-black clutch purse which matched with a stiletto shoe and a turban that covered most of her hairstyled side braid all of the same colors.

Handclaps had her driven out of her thoughts finally looking up to the groom that has now gotten a hold of his wife.

They retired to their reserved seat and without wasting enough time, the event began.

"Guess who's got a new couple crush" Layla shouts amid the blooming sound of the current song that is playing.

"Ikr" Farha agrees stealing a glance at the couple.

"They look happy"

"Of course!"

"They must be so in love" Layla is a drama queen tbh. She breaths out a sigh dramatically pulling her hands together. "I love-love"

"Remind me to inform Yarima about this" Hibba tattled setting Layla's eyes to widen.

Oh, she knew her brother, he'll def have her head chopped off if he ever learns about this. If it's up to him, Layla she'd abstain from anything that had to do with 'Men' well apart from him and Sarki.

His relationship with his sister is highly strict. Yanno that friendly and play-some thingy a sister and brother usually do, well that doesn't exist in Hisham's dictionary. Even his elder sister Asiyah just only had her way by blackmailing or threatening him.

Starting to suspect Hisham to be a loner, watcha think?

"Rufa mun asiri" She pleads taking a sip of water to gulp down the lump that formed in the depth of her throat.

"No matter how protective he is, he's got to drop it sooner or later" Suhana remarks shrugging.

Layla breaths out a scoff. "Don't let me explain how stiff and hot-headed Hamma is"

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