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"Why are you here?"

"I want us to talk"

"I'm heading to bed, we'll do that some other time" he shut off the MacBook placing it on the side stand.


He ignores pulling the blanket over him. Nothing has been going straight these days, from one problem to the other.

"I'm sorry" she paused, okay this is harder than she thought. Who thought she'd ever been this nervous around him, very unfortunate.

She is going to speak whether he listens or not but she's pretty sure he could hear her just not willing to give her the attention, she deserves it so he's not to blame.

"I'm sorry okay, I know I haven't been fair to you, to us in particular but I'm ready to make things right. You're hurt just as much as I am, don't you think it's time we talk things out and get it together." She walked forward a bit bitting on her lower lip.

She hates how he wasn't paying head to her, she's stopping every muscle in her body to run into his arms where she finds comfort and hears him say that he loves her, coz it's one thing she hasn't heard in like forever.

"Please, let's stop all this and make things right. I love y---"


His voice sent shivers down her spine and got even worst when he got up burning daggers at her.

"I've had it with your lies, and I would not tolerate this not this time. Did you think your pep talk would work? Huh!?" He inched closer urging her to step back.

He got a hold of her shoulder holding firm though as if he is going to pierce his fingers in.

"It's as you said, maybe moving on is for the best. We both don't feel the same way---"

She vigorously shakes her head, a drop of tear slipping, "No, no, please don't say that. I love y---"

"LIES! speak the truth and shame the devil. Aren't you the same person that has turned the world or should I say our home upside down just coz of a child? I've tried so much to make you understand that children are God's gifts he gives those he pleases and deprives others and not that he doesn't love them as much as the ones that were fortunate, no! But only so he could test them and unfortunately we had to fall under that category, have you not heard that he tests those he loves? How can you believe and not be tested? Those were your Lord's exact words yet your bullhead-ness and desire have got you so blinded that you can't even see what is right in front of you" His words only made her heart clench even more.

He pushed her off but not as hard to make her fall, huffing in annoyance just to turn back and proceed with his heart-reaching speech.

"I want to be a parent just as much but only if Allah pleases, I've been patient with you thinking you'd pull yourself back together but heck! I was wrong" He roared the last part urging her tear gland to secret more tears.

His lips part to say something but nothing could be voiced out, all he had said is the absolute truth just as Farha said, she has hurt her husband beyond imagination.

"You know what? Maybe you're right, we can't patch things up. We both need a break, let's have it your way---"

She got a hold of his hand, "I don't want that anymore, I want you, I choose you and I'll do that a thousand times if I have to, please don't say that, don't do this to us" She wrapped her hands around him placing her head on his chest.

Dead! No spark no emotions or feelings, it was almost as though she was hugging a rock. His heartbeat which is as a tune to her ears is all gone. She cried even harder.

"I'm sorry"

He managed to pull her off him, "Enough with the crocodile tears, I've had it! You said it yourself, it's time to let go, stop pretending it irks m--"

She cut him off with a tight slap on his left cheek, it was more like a reflex action coz she regret it the sec it happen.

He stood stiff yet emotionless.

"I'm sorry"

"I'll drop off the paper" with that he walked off.

And funny she couldn't stop me from leaving, right there right now she knew she lost him, for good this time.

Farha saw Hamza furiously bolting out, and along came a scream from upstairs. She shut off the cooker rushing up.

She met her to the ground with her knees to her chest crying dreadfully. Farha's comforting hand made her look up with her bloodshot eyes.

"He's gone"

It came out as a muffled whisper, more waterfalls streaming down.

"Don't say that, he'll come around"

"You don't get it, I'm never getting him back"

"Don't say that, he won't do that to both of you, as I said he loves---"

She cuts her off, "He used to not now, not ever Farha. I'm not ready to say goodbye, i-i--"

She pulled her in for a hug. Who would have thought Suhana and Hamza could go to this extent, she just hopes everything turns out fine they both deserve to be happy and one can't be without the other, they both are just misled by Satan.

She got Suhana up leading her out, it's already late, a good sleep might help.

She struggled to convince her to freshen up before she did, just as she steps out of the closet she blacked out.

Not again.


Aswear I dey try for una😭

Shaa who else is 💔 they don't deserve this😭

Hamza and suhana shuu pull themselves together😒

Shaa! Lemme keep quite but what if suhana dies😭 as it is she just fainted🥺

Woo! Bye


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